Charles Spurgeon’s Lost Sermons – you may possibly not be aware that Christian George of The Spurgeon Center for Biblical Preaching has been diligently working on publishing Charles Spurgeon’s “lost sermons.” These are a collection of sermons that haven’t previously been published either in book form or posted online. If you’re a fan of Charles Spurgeon’s preaching and want to know more, the following information may be of interest. There will be 12 volumes in all. The first installment has been published and it is a beautiful book. The balance of the multi-volume work will be released by B & H Academic:
In 1857, Charles Spurgeon – the most popular preacher in the Victorian world – promised his readers that he would publish his earliest sermons. For almost 160 years, these sermons have been lost to history. Beginning next January, B&H Academic will start releasing a multi-volume set that includes full-color reproductions, transcriptions, introductions, and editorial annotations. Written for scholars, pastors, and students alike, The Lost Sermons of C.H. Spurgeon will add approximately 10% more material to Spurgeon’s body of literature and will be the first critical edition of any of Spurgeon’s works.
You can also go to Christian George’s page dedicated to The Lost Sermons. From there you can download a free sampler.
Christian George’s labor of love to produce this work for the edification of the church should be acknowledged and celebrated. Following is an excerpt of an interview he gave. It should be an encouragement to us all:
The lowest point in this project was in 2013 when my health failed. After suffering from ulcerative colitis for twelve years, my appendix ruptured at the beginning of January. I didn’t find out for about a full month. The surgeon said I was lucky to be alive. Over the next twelve months, I underwent three life-threatening surgeries while teaching as a professor at Oklahoma Baptist University. After my final surgery, I almost lost hope of finding a publisher. Rejections were plenty. Then out of the blue, B&H Academic called me and told me they wanted to publish the sermons. One month later, Dr. Jason Allen, President of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Mo., called me and invited me to consider teaching at the seminary and curating The Spurgeon Library. From that day onwards, the project — like my own life — was revived. Today, God has given me an amazing team of student researchers who have labored alongside us to publish these lost sermons. I am continually reminded that a thousand gears of grace have rotated across a century and a sea to make this project possible. All glory goes to God.
“All glory goes to God.” Amen!
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