Joel Rosenberg talks about how he and his parents made the journey to faith in Jesus Christ. This is an exciting time in the world as many Jews (and Muslims) are coming to faith. It is important for Christians to acknowledge and support these new Christians. Jewish and Muslim converts often face steep opposition and persecution from their families and communities. We will present more on this topic in later articles.
Around the world, millions of Jews are celebrating Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. At the same time, Christians around the world have just celebrated Good Friday and Easter.
In recent days, I’ve written several columns related to these religious holidays, including:
What is the most controversial prophecy in the Hebrew Bible, and why read it at Passover?
Israeli scholar says 1st century Jews awaited Messiah who would die & rise again. Argues “third day resurrection” an idea that pre-dates Jesus.Today, I wanted to share with you some personal thoughts on these important and historic events and holidays, and how they intersect in my life. In this hour-long audio message (divided up in six 10-minute segments on YouTube), I explain the spiritual journey my parents and I were on to come to faith in Jesus Christ, as well as I how I experienced a powerful revival in my junior year of high school that completely transformed my life…keep reading
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