Prison Fellowship's Mission We believe that no life is beyond the reach of God’s power, and we envision a future in which countless prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families, are redeemed, restored, and reconciled through the love and truth of Jesus Christ. We equip local churches and thousands of … [Read More...]
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How’s Your Spiritual Warfare Going?
As Christians we acknowledge the fact of spiritual warfare. We understand that this is the world we live in. Yet I wonder if we're always aware just how close and personal it is. We're often tired of running our races and we tend to lose our focus. … [Read More...]

The Rapture or Israel’s Gathering?
Does Matthew 24:31 refer to the rapture or Israel’s gathering? Non-pretribulationists insist that it’s the rapture of the church. A typical posttribulationist apologetic will begin with Matt 24:29 (But immediately after the tribulation of those days) and then … [Read More...]

Richard Baxter on God’s Love
Richard Baxter on God's Love for the saints: Baxter (1615 - 1691) is well known for his monumental work "The Saints' Everlasting Rest." This work was a product of the turmoil the Puritan experienced throughout his life. There was civil war and disease. Some … [Read More...]

The Gospel According to God
The Gospel According to God is the title of a soon-to-be-released 228 page book by Dr John MacArthur. It's the latest in the "Gospel" series. The book's focus is on part of Isaiah 52 and all of Isaiah 53. A few weeks ago after evening communion service, … [Read More...]

An Unholy Tribulation Temple?
An Unholy Temple? - is the future Tribulation Temple unholy? On a fairly regular basis, I see comments by futuristic premillennialists of all stripes calling the tribulation temple unholy or even a "fake" temple. Incidentally, I also regularly spot "fake … [Read More...]