There are parallels between the story found in Daniel six and the modern church. Lately Daniel 6 is often referenced in light of COVID-19 restrictions to church gatherings. To summarize the context to Daniel six: Daniel - who was living in Babylon under the authority of King Darius - was set up by the governors … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2020
The Silver Chair and Prayer
The thought came to me the other day that there's something of a connection between C. S. Lewis' The Silver Chair and prayer. The following analogy may not be perfect or true of everybody, but it's mostly on point from my personal experiences. The Silver Chair was, chronologically, the second last book in Lewis' seven … [Read more...]
Christian News Weekly Recap July 20 – 25, 2020
Christian News Weekly Recap July 20 – 25, 2020 This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section. Monday July 20, 2020 Morocco cracking down on Christian faith, arresting believers Church Members ‘Valiantly Risked’ Their Lives as Man Stabbed 2 at Bible Study Huge … [Read more...]
Christian News Weekly Recap July 13 – 18, 2020
Christian News Weekly Recap July 13 – 18, 2020 This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section. Monday July 13, 2020 Fourth Christian in Less than Two Months Killed in India Turkey Sets Sights on Jerusalem After Converting Hagia Sophia into Mosque Over 600 Christians … [Read more...]
The Brotherliness and Sisterliness of Faith
The Brotherliness and Sisterliness of Faith - this post's title is derived from a chapter in a book by Ian Hamilton "The Faith-Shaped Life." The focus of Hamilton's chapter is Christian love and grace. It struck a chord with me and initiated some personal reflection and examination. Hence the following thoughts, once … [Read more...]
Christian News Weekly Recap July 6 – 11, 2020
Christian News Weekly Recap July 6 - 11, 2020 This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section. Monday July 6, 2020 President Trump Holds 72 Percent Approval Rating among White Evangelicals, Pew Finds Turkey expelling 2 US Christian workers after deporting 16 others this … [Read more...]
Scripture Contains God’s Word?
Scripture Contains God's Word? The statement that Scripture Contains God's Word sounds very reasonable at first blush. How could it not? After all Scripture does, indeed, contain God's Word. But the problem isn't that the statement is inherently false. The problem is associated with what the statement isn't saying, … [Read more...]
A Prayer for Revival – Philip Doddridge
One of the prayers in the book Piercing Heaven - Prayers of the Puritans is an epic prayer by Philip Doddridge - "A Prayer for Revival" (page 26). Some Christians may read Doddridge's long prayer and think he's just a stuffy, fussy Puritan who should chill out. In fact his self-reflecting attitude is a mark of the … [Read more...]
Christian News Weekly Recap June 29 – July 4, 2020
Christian News Weekly Recap June 29 – July 4, 2020 This is a recap of the past week’s daily news items from our Christian News Section. Monday June 29, 2020 Government sets out guidance for resumption of church services Nigerian Christians Like Sheep to the Slaughter – Why It May Be Genocide Church … [Read more...]
The Nature of Our Hope
What is the Nature of Our Hope? Is it not the redemption of our sick dying bodies and our wicked natures? And is not that hope found in Christ's accomplished work on our behalf? In Prayer and Spiritual Warfare (Saved in Hope), Charles Spurgeon wrote, Our hope of being completely delivered from sin in our spirits … [Read more...]