Following are a few recommended resources: Every so often the content which appears on this website comes from external sources. This is a good thing. Zeteo 3:16 wasn’t about disseminating our supposed wisdom to others. That would be a mistake! The main idea was to pass along solid Christian resources which we deem to be edifying.
With that in mind, here we go with a short list.
Paul Martin Henebury
I’ve mentioned Paul before, and will do so here again because he’s been such a great instructor (and mentor) to me. He’s solidly dispensational, yet understands and engages Covenant Theology at a high level. He’s also an independent thinker who isn’t afraid to question the status quo. His first published book is titled, The Words of the Covenant: A Biblical Theology; Volume 1 – Old Testament Expectation. Volume 2 is forthcoming.
You can find his online work at the Dr Reluctant blog; Telos Theological Ministries, and the Telos Ministries YouTube Channel.
Michael Vlach
I came across Michael Vlach quite a few years ago when I was researching the Israel-Church issues. This was before he published his first book, Has the Church Replaced Israel? Since then he’s written a number of books. You can find more about these on his older blog, and on his new website.
More recently, Mike has been uploading a number of helpful videos at his YouTube Channel.
Peter Goeman
Peter Goeman is “Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages at Shepherds Theological Seminary.” I first came across him via his review of the book, Forsaking Israel. Since then I noted that he’s also written a number of helpful blog articles covering various subjects. Moreover, Peter has a YouTube Channel called The Bible Sojourner. I’ve found him to be both thoughtful and irenic when discussing topics which can be divisive.
He has also written a book, The Baptism Debate: Understanding and Evaluating Reformed Infant Baptism.
Method of Prayer
I’m including this as well. Prayer is the life-blood of Christians and the church. Spurgeon coveted it, and admonished his congregation to continue to pray for him or he wouldn’t be able to continue his ministry.
I own a number of prayer books and have reviewed some. Matthew Henry’s Method of Prayer is a classic which has helped generations. Now you can go to a revised version of Henry’s guide online:
Matthew Henry wrote “A Method for Prayer” nearly 300 years ago. Among the many editions and revisions of this book that have been produced throughout the years, Ligon Duncan edited and revised a version which was published in 1994. This project has built off of the efforts invested by Dr. Duncan and others in that publication…continue reading
We hope you find these suggestions useful. I may do more in the future.
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