You may not have heard but there is a controversy over Dane Ortlund’s new book, “Gentle and Lowly”. The book has been selling well and has very good reviews by notably responsible people. The full title of Ortlund’s book is “Gentle and Lowly – The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers.”
I haven’t read it yet. But this is the sort of book I’d consider reading.
What about the controversy? I doubt any book ever published can be free of criticism of some sort. The interesting thing is that the first critical review I read (in 20202) came from Jeremy Walker, Both Walker and Ortlund are from the Reformed camp. A little later on social media, Mark Jones also made some critical comments. Jones co-wrote the book “A Puritan Theology” with Joel Beeke. So there seems to be some legitimate concern there.
More recently, there was a small Twitter storm (which is nothing new) over another critical review of “Gentle and Lowly.” Jeremiah of “Grace to You” (see below) wrote what some thought to be an unnecessarily terse review of the book. Someone even remarked that perhaps “Grace to You” ought to change its name to “Graceless to You.” These things happen
Jeremy Walker
Walker’s review is lengthy. Its thoroughness impressed me. In fact I note that Walker always careful with book reviews. I appreciate that. It’s obvious that he tried to be fair and balanced with this one, yet had concerns…
Some assured me that it was the greatest book they had read in years. Others warned me that it was profoundly dangerous. Reviewers have largely fallen over themselves to commend it. It is a topic which I need to grasp personally and pastorally. So I took it up and read it. The book is from Dane Ortlund, is called Gentle and Lowly, and is – more or less -an attempt to rework Goodwin on the heart of Christ (available as a Puritan Paperback from the Banner of Truth) for a modern audience, with primary assistance from Sibbes, Owen, Flavel, and Bunyan, and occasional contributions from Edwards, Warfield, and one or two others…keep reading
Jeremiah Johnson
Johnson’s review (and its title) is rather more punchy, thus the criticism on Twitter. Right from the beginning there might be the question of delivery, but is Johnson’s criticism of the book fair?
Where do you look for enduring comfort and security?…The past twelve months have been a stark reminder that there is none to be found in this world…In that same span of time, a book purportedly offering true comfort and security has taken the Christian world by storm. Dane Ortlund’s Gentle and Lowly has enjoyed immense popularity and near-universal praise…keep reading
As stated above, I haven’t read the book. I still may. But given its subject matter, its popularity and the criticisms, perhaps we should weigh the concerns.
Further reading: The Blessed and Boundless God
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