A Journey to Victorious Praying – Finding Discipline and Delight in Your Prayer Life
This is a book review of A Journey to Victorious Praying by Bill Thrasher. Foreword by Erwin W. Lutzer and published by Moody Publishers Chicago (250 pages).
Most Christians will have books on prayer on their shelves. If they don’t, they ought to. These books extol the virtues of prayer and encourage the Christian’s prayer life. Sincere earnest prayer is the lifeblood of the church. It directly connects us to God and it has been the catalyst for many revivals.
I also have a collection of books on prayer which I cherish. I know the virtues of prayer and have experienced its benefits. God answers prayer! But for a long time I had been looking for a manual – a nuts and bolts – on prayer. Maybe I’m simple-minded but how does one pray day to day unceasingly? I wanted to become a prayer warrior. How do I do it? What sorts of things should I be aware of?
One morning I listened to Michael Rydelnik’s Saturday Open Line radio program where he had Bill Thrasher as a guest talking about this new book A Journey to Victorious Praying. I knew immediately that this was what I looking for.
Thrasher writes clearly and succinctly. He gets right to the point while covering a lot of territory. A Journey to Victorious Praying isn’t a large book. Yet the 250 pages are information dense. You won’t get the full message in one reading. Be prepared to take notes and keep going back to the book.
This book answers questions often asked – such as what “praying in the Spirit” means. Why and how do we fast? Why does God seemingly not answer prayer at times? When do we pray Scripture? Thrasher gives examples of people who used prayer effectively in their ministries (e.g., George Mueller). He shows how prayer is an important precursor to work. There are also Scripture praying suggestions and a guide to a Personal Journal at the end of the book.
Bill Thrasher also discusses spiritual warfare. In one chapter he gives an enthralling example of a church which was under intense spiritual attack. When a church consultant drove into the property he reported being overwhelmed by a sense of the demonic. The book goes through the steps which were taken to finally deliver that church.
Prayer is something which most of us neglect. I suspect this is one reason why we don’t see much fruit in our lives, or why we often feel spiritually stagnant and helpless. This book will stimulate prayer lives. It will help Christians become daily prayer warriors. Highly recommended!
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A Journey to Victorious Praying !
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A Journey to Victorious Praying: Finding Discipline and Delight in Your Prayer Life
Section One
Help For Your Weakness
Section Two
The Help of the Holy Spirit
Section Three
The Help of Companionship
Section Four
The Help of Scripture
Section Five
The Discipline of Prayer
Section Six
The Importance of Prayer
Section Seven
The Help of Fasting
Section Eight
The Waiting of Prayer
Section Nine
The Power of Praise
Personal Journal
Appendix 1: Selected Prayer from Scripture
Appendix 2: Ideas to Stimulate Prayer
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