Below is A Prayer by John Murray. It appears on the back of his book “O Death, Where is thy Sting?” It is a little book I feel everyone should read.
In the Foreword to Murray’s book Sinclair Ferguson writes about having met and listened to him when he (Ferguson) was a young man. Murray left such an impression of his passion for the gospel, that Ferguson notes that it was as if he had said:
“Son, come with me to the back wall of this room. You thought it was covered in wood panels. But look! One of them has a handle; it is a door. Trust me; come with me through the door and I will show you treasure you have never seen before.”
I like that! It has a C. S. Lewis-Narnia feel to it – only far better.
John Murray’s Prayer for the gospel:
“Bless, oh Lord, the preaching of the gospel unto the very ends of the earth. May the Word have free course and be glorified so that it may come in that irresistible power – that mysterious, transforming, and converting power – so that sinners may be translated from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God.” ~ A Prayer by John Murray
The only little sentence I feel led to add is “….and
from death to life.”
Read John Murray’s Bio HERE
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