A Prayer for a new heart by Lewis Bayly – from the Puritan prayer book Piercing Heaven and a hymn by Harriet Auber: The Promised comforter. The hymn is taken from Spurgeon’s Own Hymn Book.
Create in Me a New Heart
Create in me, O Christ, a new heart, and renew in me a right spirit. Then you will see how I will serve you as your new creature, in a new life, after a new way, with a new tongue and new manners, with new words and new works, to the glory of your name, and the winning of other sinful souls to your faith.
Keep me forever, O my Savior, from the torment of hell and tyranny of the devil. And when I am to depart this life, send your angels to carry me, as they did the soul of Lazarus, into your kingdom. Receive me into that joyful paradise you promised to the penitent thief, who at his last gasp upon the cross begged for your mercy and admission into your kingdom.
Grant this, O Christ, for your own name’s sake. I give you all glory, honor, praise, and dominion, both now and forever. Amen.
Lewis Bayly
The Promised Comforter
OUR blest Redeemer, ere He breathed
His tender, last farewell,
A Guide, a Comforter, bequeath’d
With us on earth to dwell.
He comes, the mystic heavenly Dove,
With sheltering wings outspread,
The holy balm of peace and love
On chosen hearts to shed.
He comes, sweet influence to impart,
A gracious, willing guest,
Where He can find one humble heart
Wherein to make His rest.
And His that gentle voice we hear,
Soft as the breath of eve,
That checks each fault, that calms each fear,
And bids us cease to grieve.
And every virtue we posses,
And every victory won,
And every thought of holiness
Are His, and His alone.
Spirit of purity and grace,
Our weakness pitying see;
O make our hearts Thy dwelling place,
Yea, make them meet for Thee.
Harriet Auber
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