A tribute to my prayer partner Georgia. I won’t reveal her second name but she was one of two of my prayer partners. Georgia recently went home to be with the Lord and is now basking in God’s glorious realm.
I first met Georgia and her husband at an Omega Letter gathering at Jack Kinsella’s house in Canada in 2009. They were the sort of people one likes immediately. She was a gentle lady who assiduously remembered every Omega Letter member’s Birthday. I recall with fondness how she would post it on the Forum along with a Bible verse and a personal word. It takes a kind and gentle heart to take the time to do that.
Georgia and a few others would meet once a week in one of the Chat areas of the OL Forums. By the time I joined, only three of us would meet, with me being an inconsistent late-comer.
At some point, one of us (perhaps all of us together – I can’t recall now) came up with the idea to have a prayer-chat meeting. It was a great idea! These prayer chats weren’t verbal-audible – we would type and express our prayers and praises. We were separated by different states, yet united in the Holy Spirit.
I learned and grew from participating with my precious prayer partners. They were (and are) a gift from God.
We always began with praise and thankfulness. We prayed for other and for our families. Then there was church, nation, president, personal needs, and more. Perhaps we didn’t get things in the right order, but we always ended in praise and the expressed desire for the Lord’s coming.
I don’t want to delve into Georgia’s private prayers. However, she faced her share of trials and challenges. Some of these were related to health, domestic needs, and broken relationships. Then there was the loss of her beloved husband who went to be with the Lord, and all the attending problems which resulted from that.
Throughout her trials and prayer requests, Georgia always gave thanks. She loved her family and friends and a large part of her prayers were for them. She also humbly examined herself and acknowledged her failings and sins.
Georgia tempered all this with joy in the truth that Christ redeems us despite our shortcomings. She wanted to glorify God by mortifying her sins and looked forward to her glorification when she would be sinless.
There were times during our prayer sessions when her praises to God dominated and almost swept us up into heaven. During these sessions time would go by quickly; all other personal prayer requests seemed mostly forgotten.
Then there were remarkable answers to prayers and the praise and thanks resulting from this. Our faith was being steadily built up.
I can say many similar things about my remaining prayer partner. But this is about Georgia. We will continue without her though she is sorely missed. In an age when people rarely gather for prayer together, we pray God will bring us another prayer partner…
But no one can replace Georgia.
Note: Georgia loved Lighthouses, thus the graphic in this tribute.
Prepare us, Lord, by grace divine
For Thy bright courts on high,
Then bid our spirits rise and join
The chorus of the sky.
Standing Strong Through the Storm
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