Depending upon what news report you read, President Obama’s African trip was a great success. This is despite being rebutted by Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta for raising the gay rights issue. Mr. Obama had drawn an analogy to America’s past:
“As an African-American in the United States, I am painfully aware of the history of what happens when people are treated differently under the law. There were all sorts of rationalizations that were provided by the power structure for decades in the United States for segregation and Jim Crow and slavery, and they were wrong.”
Business Insider called Obama a master of analogy. Kenyatta lost points for daring to contradict the US president regarding what should constitute African priority issues. Forget poverty, famine and mass killings by Boko Haram. They can be fixed if we get with the program. Mr. Obama knows where the real issues lie.
Obama must have felt that old rush of self-confidence surge through his veins because he declared himself to be a “pretty good” president, and eminently re-electable. I’m not so sure he isn’t right on the latter point. Either way, apparently it’s a pity he can’t run for a third term. Maybe his friends can fix that.
Let’s hear that old chorus once again, “Yes we can.”
The Iranian Regime must see Obama as a new “pretty-good” best-friend president – at least concerning Iranian interests wherever they can use him. The Nuclear Deal even promises to protect Iran from possible sabotage on its nuclear sites. I guess it’s a nice and subtle hint to combative nations like Israel to behave…or else.
I bet Vladimir Putin is chuffed as well. The US is effectively preserving an old alliance. Let’s reconnect the dots – Russia, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas. Anyhow, Iran can now concentrate on its humanitarian pursuits.
I’m willing to bet a year’s supply of coffee that the US’s former best-friend, Israel, will take some convincing on the nuclear deal. Maybe they should just trust “America’s First Jewish President.” After all, the Iranians did.
Then there’s Planned Parenthood.
You’ve probably just arrived from Mars if you’re not up with that news. First of all I’d like to point out that PP has nothing to do with planning to be a parent. Folks who try to hurt PP by spreading rumors to the contrary should cease and desist immediately. PP removes the parenting inconvenience from its patients.
When that “maliciously edited” PP busting video was leaked, the White House immediately scrambled to its defense. It’s nice to see justice and the right people working together for the greater good. The video’s producers were duly reprimanded. There were investigations and restraining orders in an effort to prevent further scandalous attacks on PP. Sadly the videos kept coming.
There was hasty talk about PP profiting from the process and some were understandably incensed (note the link contains profanity). After all PP provides a health-service for those who plan to postpone their parenthood. It’s a shame the planning process couldn’t begin before the actual pregnancy. But that’s another story.
Take note that monetary exchanges for those bits and pieces of body parts arising from the procedure merely cover costs and ensure that PP can continue to serve. Bless their hearts. The money only covers mailing costs, which are always going up. This process helps science cure all sorts of diseases like cancer, aids – and, hopefully one day, dimwitted conservatives. Cross my heart, that’s the whole truth!
Speaking of “bits and pieces”, understand that when terms such as leg, liver, spine and “it’s another boy” are used; they’re not really references to an actual human being. They’re really metaphors. They are not really killing babies. That they have a pre-procedure group-think as to how to best harvest these – er – “living entities” to fulfill scientific orders is of no consequence. It’s all very complicated. Just trust them.
We should also applaud our watchful Moral and Constitutional Guardians.
The Master’s Seminary website once put up an article about homosexuality. According to John MacArthur, within hours they received a letter ordering the seminary to “desist immediately or face a very severe lawsuit.” What an encouraging response time!
MacArthur went on to mention Rev. Barry Lynn and his organization. The ever-vigilant Lynn is making sure that churches do not cross the separation of church and state line. If they do, he makes sure they’re reminded of their precarious tax exempt status. It’s comforting to know that Christians like Lynn have followed Mr. Obama’s cue about setting priorities.
Lynn also champions the same-sex gospel. A few years ago he debated James White on homosexuality and the Bible. He wasn’t entirely happy with the outcome and threatened to sue if videos or audios of the debate were released. I don’t blame Lynn as I’m sure White cheated by looking at his Bible. You can watch the debate HERE
Another tidbit of news that got my attention was the one about the Mississippi school which ambushed assembly attendees with prayers! Can you believe they did that? Fortunately the offense was spotted and a lawsuit followed forthwith.
It will cheer you to know that one of the plaintiffs (Grace Bedi) stresses she’s “not an angry atheist.” In fact she’s “not an atheist at all.” Bedi holds “many Christian beliefs and values”, and doesn’t intentionally attack the Christian message. She’s only being a responsible Humanist upholding the Constitution and making sure the Christian message doesn’t offend sensitive folk. You know, like atheists, humanists and – um – Constitution-Observing Christians like Barry Lynn.
Bedi has a history of this heroic activism and Rev. Lynn is justifiably proud of her. Small world isn’t it? Pity she wasn’t around when the White House hosted Islamic prayer. But vigilant citizens can’t be everywhere, right?
Okay, I’m flipping the Sarcasm Switch to “Off” now.
What a wicked twisted world we live in!
It’s easy to become frustrated and lose sight of what’s important. I’m guilty of it. Yet we shouldn’t be surprised or overwhelmed by these circumstances. All this was expected.
We Christians are not citizens of this world. It hates us and hates truth because it hates Christ. We’re ambassadors, commanded to love our enemies and to witness to this world. Yet one day everyone will bow to Christ (Phil 2:8-11). Until then, this sums the situation up for me:
For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame– who set their mind on earthly things. For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. Phil 3:18-4:1
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