Apostasy, the danger of pretribulationism – Every now and then I get to re-visit old territory. Is pretribulationism dangerous? Some continue to think so. This premise drives their behavior.
The Woods Onslaught
Dr Andy Woods recently presented a lecture series on the subject of the diverse views on the timing of the rapture. When he came to the prewrath view (PW) I expected kickback. Sure enough a prewrath blogger responded by calling it an onslaught against the system.
The irony is that prominent PW proponents spend a lot of time attacking pretribulationism. Most recently (before Woods’ series) several contributed to a documentary called Seven Problems for Pretrib. BTW, you can find a response HERE.
There’s a book scheduled for release in 2021 which purports to challenge pretribulationism. Should we label it an “onslaught”? Does the author think he’s doing the church a service? Maybe!
Danger, danger, danger!
For many posttrib folk, holding a pretrib rapture view isn’t as innocuous as following a sports team. It isn’t a non-essential doctrine. It’s serious business which could have eternal consequences. Not only did the blogger take offense at Woods’ assessment of her system, she delivered a dire warning,
Technically pre-trib teachers are false prophets who pervert the critical warnings given to the church by Jesus Christ…There will be consequences for those who teach this false doctrine! (Emphases mine)
So that’s the strong view of one person. But we mustn’t paint with a broad brush, right? I agree. Here’s another statement from a prewrath pastor,
Many pretribbers are as unprepared as the lost for this period of unprecedented persecution and supernatural deception. (Emphases mine)
Where did this come from?
Well, there’s Marvin Rosenthal’s prewrath book (the first ever published). He wrote that the pretrib doctrine can lead to “calamitous consequences.” The “unprepared” will be “spiritually naked, vulnerable and ripe” for Antichrist’s deception. There will be “psychological implications” and a questioning of God’s Word. It will be “a spiritual catastrophe”…”a Pearl Harbor of incalculable proportions – a satanically planned sneak attack” (pages 281-282).
Pretty strong language that!
In The Rapture Question Answered Van Kampen associated the timing of the popularity of pretrib with the rise of certain cults in America (p 193). Since then leading PW proponents such as Alan Kurschner (Eschatos Ministries) and Jacob Prasch (Moriel Ministries) have typically pointed to the pretribber’s vulnerability to apostasy. Like Rosenthal, Prasch calls pretrib a satanic deception.
I’ve frequently seen antagonistic comments of this kind since coming across the system in 2006. Rosenthal and Van Kampen didn’t simply introduce a new system; they seem to have fostered an attitude.
Let’s be honest
I once came across earnest PW folk engaging a pretrib friend on Social Media (as they do). He was told that pretrib pastors will one day give an account to the Lord for failing to prepare their flock.
The thing is these folk are reticent to use such language in more formal mixed groups. If one actually believes this stuff they ought to declare it boldly. What are they afraid of? Certainly not the Beast – after all, they’re prepared for the Antichrist because…well…because they’re not pretrib.
A few more things
Someone please send me the Great Tribulation prepping manual. I want to be as sturdy a Christian under fire as posttribbers presumably think they will be. Telling us the church will suffer “Antichrist’s Great Tribulation” isn’t enough. Are there spiritual exercises you do? Or do we trust the work of the Lord (Rom 8:38-39)?
Also, the Tribulation isn’t Antichrist’s. Despite the warning for constant vigilance (Matt 24:24), it is inaugurated by God because of unbelief. It is God’s sovereign judgment on the world (2 Thess 2:8-12).
I occasionally get asked about prewrath; where to learn about it. I’d read Marvin Rosenthal and Alan Kurschner. But the books are fairly basic. For example, Rosenthal devoted too much space criticizing pretrib, rather than being convincing to me. I recommend reading Renald Showers’ critique of the Prewrath Rapture View for a good counterpunch. He was thorough and connected the dots.
One thing to remember about PW is that its assumptions are built around its interpretation of Matt 24:22. If the Great Tribulation hasn’t been “shortened” in the way it declares, almost everything else changes.
So, how do you prepare for the Antichrist?
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