Susan Pevensie's Last Days - with apologies to C. S. Lewis. Susan Pevensie was one of the four children in C. S. Lewis' classic Narnia Chronicles. One reason I enjoyed these books as a teen is because I recognized that the Lion Aslan was a Christ figure. Susan first appears in "The Wardrobe" book. Thereafter she is … [Read more...]
Spurgeon and Christ’s Imminent Return
Spurgeon and Christ’s Imminent Return – yes, Charles Spurgeon really did believe that Christ could return at any moment. He lived in that mindset and advised others to do likewise. We’ve posted several articles discussing Charles Spurgeon’s views on the value of imminence. Two can be found HERE and HERE. This … [Read more...]
Prayer and the Saint’s Spiritual Condition
Prayer and the Saint's Spiritual Condition - According to J. C. Ryle, private diligent prayer is a gauge which will affect the Christian one way or another. The following snippets and thoughts aren't mine; they are taken from Ryle's little book A Call to Prayer. You can download an eBook copy from Monergism … [Read more...]
Michael Svigel and the Fathers
Michael Svigel and the Fathers: The purpose of this post is to introduce Svigel’s book and his articles on the Early Church Fathers. The full title of the book is: Fathers on the Future: A 2nd-Century Eschatology for the 21st-Century Church. You can watch Dr. Svigel being interviewed by Peter Goeman HERE The main … [Read more...]
God is Desiring Israel
God is Desiring Israel - I cheekily chose the title as a play on John Piper's Desiring God. God desires to redeem the nation Israel. Moreover, He will do so for His name's sake. God is Desiring Israel to be saved. He has said as much. I've profited from various articles on John Piper's website. I own three of his … [Read more...]
Christ’s Call to Reform the Church
Christ's Call to Reform the Church: Timeless Demands From the Lord to His People, by John MacArthur - a book review. The book is published by Moody Publishers & Master's Seminary Press (Hardback 199 pages). Over the last couple of years or so I've been consistently re-visiting Christ's Seven Letters to the Seven … [Read more...]
Happy Thanksgiving 2024
Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate! Regardless of life’s circumstances, we have much to be thankful for. Alf and I thank God for our family and friends, for His provision, protection, for the Blessed Hope and for His faithfulness. We thank Him for the ways He has drawn us closer to each other and to … [Read more...]
Try harder to be called Antisemitic
You must try harder to be called antisemitic. At least that’s what a popular pastor has asserted, among other things. Joel Webbon, who regularly posts on a social media platform, claims that if Christians aren’t being called Nazis, antisemites, racists, misogynists and bigots, they are not trying hard enough. To be … [Read more...]
Martyn Lloyd-Jones on prayer
Martyn Lloyd-Jones on prayer: the following is taken from his book, “Spiritual Depression.” You can find Dan Phillips’ review of it HERE. See also our previous article, Praying with ACTS. First thing Lloyd-Jones writes that the Christian must begin prayer in the right way, and frame of mind. There are things we … [Read more...]
When Elijah Wanted to Die
There was a time when Elijah wanted to die. God had answered his prayer and defeated the prophets of Baal right in front of him (see 1 Kings 18). The surprising thing is that his reaction to Jezebel's threat was to run. In a way, that is comforting to me. Even the BIG saints have their off days after all. And Ahab … [Read more...]