The Banner of Truth Ministry
The best introduction to Banner of Truth is from its Mission Statement:
The Banner of Truth Trust is a Christian organisation which publishes books, organises conferences, and publishes a monthly magazine.
Our objective is the promotion, advancement, and dissemination of a better knowledge and understanding of the history and doctrines of the true Biblical Christian Faith. We seek to inform, encourage, strengthen, and equip ordinary Christians, and have a particular concern for ministers/pastors, and those training for the ministry. We also seek to produce material that is evangelistic and in God’s providence may be used as a means to bring people to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as their saviour and Lord…keep reading
I came across Banner of Truth via our Church Bookstore. The first book I bought, published by Banner, was Andrew Bonar’s Diary and Life. Since then I’ve accumulated others and have been impressed by their quality. They are made to last. But most importantly, I love the substance and Christological focus of the books they sell. Banner of Truth is committed to spreading the truth of the Word of God via several mediums, especially books. Within its stable you’ll find the works of Gurnall, Spurgeon, Ryle and the Puritans – works too often forgotten and relegated to the past. And sometimes, the older books are best!
The Story of Banner
Here you will find a brief video along with a summary of Banner’s history.
Spurgeon wrote of Psalm 60 in his Treasury of David:
So far gone was Israel that only God’s interposition could preserve it from utter destruction. How often have we seen churches in this condition, and how suitable is the prayer before us, in which the extremity of the need is used as an argument for help…. For the truth’s sake, and because the true God is on our side, let us in these modern days of warfare emulate the warriors of Israel and unfurl our banner to the breeze with confident joy.
In the summer of 1955 in Oxford England, the minister of St John’s Church, Sidney Norton, was convinced that the words of Psalm 60 spoke directly to the conditions in the churches of Great Britain. He and his ministerial assistant, Iain Murray, were stirred to prayer in the spirit of Spurgeon’s comments, convinced that their generation needed not just a reviving, but a restoring of the truth…keep reading
Perhaps one final point should be noted regarding Banner of Truth’s Mission Statement:
As an organisation, while being interdenominational in outlook and with our staffing, our doctrinal standards are best summed up by the Westminster Confession.
There will be elements of the Westminster Confession which Zeteo3:16 does not agree with. For example, we do not agree with Covenant Theology’s tenet that the church is Spiritual Israel. We hold that national Israel’s promises, as noted throughout the Old Testament, will be fulfilled exactly as revealed by God to the prophets. Aside from this point, in which we differ, the Banner of Truth is a valuable resource for those who wish to drawer closer to God and the Eternal Gospel.
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