The BioLogos Serpent Narrative. We’ve mentioned BioLogos in our previous article Sola Scriptura and Cosmic Temples. You can read their Mission Statement HERE:
BioLogos invites the church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith as we present an evolutionary understanding of God’s creation…
Ironically, they’ve produced a video in which the serpent retells the story of Genesis. You remember the serpent, right? I guess he should know as he was present at the Fall of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Well, that’s if you believe the original story. Who knows? The serpent probably does…
Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said,`You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” Gen 3:1
Creation Ministries International have responded to BioLogos’ video:
BioLogos recently released a new video entitled “The Big Story: From Stardust to New Creation”. At first, we were told that this would be another deceptive propaganda piece that would “make us angry”. But after watching it? Deceptive? Yes, but angry? Not really. In fact, some of our staff found it quite honest and revealing in its portrayal of the typical pro-evolution and millions-of-years drivel, and at times, a little humorous. In fact, it reminded us a little of a particular deceptive character in the actual Genesis account who uttered “Did God actually say … ” (Gen 3:1).
Reverend Leonard J Vander Zee plays the role of the voice of the serpent in this radical retelling of the creation story. And why do we need to retell the creation story? Vander Zee states: “We cannot simply repeat the biblical story as if the science of origins were irrelevant.” In practice, then, a new creation story is needed because we know Genesis is wrong. This epitomizes and confirms Biologos’ complete abandonment of any significant view of biblical authority.
BioLogos has a deficient view of God throughout, but it begins when Vander Zee authoritatively proclaims in the introduction: “This only true God does not exist in our time and space but is its Creator.” Of course, this view is not Christian theism, but deism, the view that God is the creator but is removed from His creation. Vander Zee adds that to God, there is no difference between a nanosecond and billions of years. We would actually agree—that’s why when Genesis has actual chronological markers, it must be talking about human reckonings of time, because no one can understand how God perceives time!…keep reading
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