Spurgeon on Suffering Depression and Trials: Perhaps it isn't commonly known that Charles Spurgeon suffered from depression. In his book, Spurgeon on the Christian Life, Michael Reeves notes that today he would most certainly be diagnosed as clinically depressed. At age twenty-two he was the pastor of a large … [Read more...]
Psalm 85 and Restoration
Psalm 85 and restoration and revival: a social media post by a Reformed Presbyterian pastor cited Psalm 85:6 as a prayer for revival. While this is technically true, he intended the verse for Christian revival. It can certainly be applied to us as an example of prayer for revival. But the entire context of the Psalm is … [Read more...]
Israel’s Horse and Buggy
Israel’s Horse and Buggy: what if God’s land promises to Israel were but inferior forerunners of a greater future blessing? Can this be the case? This the premise proposed in a book, “Time for Favor: Scottish Evangelism among the Jewish People 1838 to 1852” by John Stuart Ross. The first I want to say is that … [Read more...]
Prayer Changes Things
Yes, prayer changes things. There are many reasons for prayer and we are told to pray unceasingly (1 Thess 5:17). John MacArthur notes: The early church was marked by this kind of continual, passionate, unceasing prayer from the very start. Even before the day of Pentecost in Acts 1:14, all the believers were … [Read more...]
The Rapture Trap?
Is the belief in a pretribulational rapture a trap? Is it really the rapture trap that some people claim? Every once in a while a magic lever gets pulled releasing a wave of criticism against the pretrib rapture belief and pretribbers. Lately, Facebook and YouTube have been full of anti-pretrib proclamations. One … [Read more...]
Review The Words of the Covenant
This is a review of the book The Words of the Covenant: A Biblical Theology Volume 1 - Old Testament Expectation, by Dr. Paul Martin Henebury - published by Xulon Press Elite (Paperback 467 Pages). Some Background I came across Paul Henebury many years ago through his blog "Dr. Reluctant." He refers to himself as … [Read more...]
On the Road with Lewis and Tolkien
These two Christian authors wrote on similar themes, though in different ways. Both impacted my life in early years. Each week I sit down and try to think about what to write. There's a lot happening, and very quickly. Most of it isn't good. I had a long list of troublesome items I wanted to highlight in a column. … [Read more...]
The Beast that is Anti-Semitism
Racism can be like an incurable spreading cancer. It will eventually kill the body it invades. It's a Beast which has consumed White Supremacists, Neo Nazis and other groups. But racism doesn't always wear white hoods and cloaks. Its tentacles reach a much broader base. Before I go on, I should acknowledge that some … [Read more...]
The Rage of the Nations
The rage of the nations. The nations and kings of the world rage because they desire to be unfettered by God’s Word and Law. See Why do the Nations Rage? It began in Eden...Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will … [Read more...]
Killing the Red Lizard
Killing the Red Lizard is a title derived from a scene in C. S. Lewis' little book, The Great Divorce. A little red lizard sits on a ghost's shoulder whispering lustful thoughts into his ear. Lewis says he got his idea of the title The Great Divorce in deference to Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Lewis used … [Read more...]