You’ll know by now – unless you’ve just flown in from Mars – that the UK has voted in a referendum to leave the EU. Brexit and Prophecy – are they connected? Has prophecy failed?
What does that mean for those of us who are interested in eschatology and a future European based global governing power? At times like this I wish I could phone Omega Letter founder Jack Kinsella for an analytical briefing. Unfortunately I haven’t got a Hot Line to him. I’m probably at the bottom of the list of people to go to for an analysis. For what it’s worth, here’s my input.
The Brexit decision took a lot of people by surprise. In hindsight, it shouldn’t have. It’s no secret that the unchecked influx of Islamic immigration has been a major concern. There was always going to be some public reaction to this trend.
There were whispers of dissent in the EU. We’ve seen a gradual rise in nationalism. There have been protests and a strengthening of the right-wing parties. I’d also argue that the recent popularity of Hitler’s memoir Mein Kampf has is a red flag. Yet the EU leadership has doggedly kept to its immigration policies.
Many who voted for the UK to remain in the EU want to make this Brexit vote about racism and “Islamophobia.” One will find some cases of prejudice and bigotry. However, genuine problems associated with EU Islamic integration have been well documented by organizations such as Gatestone Institute.
The fact that EU leaders have largely ignored the causes of home-grown terrorism, overlooked the manifold integration problems, and imposed their decisions on the masses, hasn’t helped their narrative. Brexit is a wake-up protest vote.
What does this mean for Bible prophecy? I don’t know. Nobody else does for sure either. There are too many possible short-term scenarios and differing secular prognostications to consider. There have even been rumors of a European Super State following the Brexit vote. Is it possible that a crisis will waken the European Machine?
Following are some prophecy-related commentaries on Brexit (there are others). I’m not convinced with everything contained in the materials and they don’t all agree with each other. But do they offer food for thought:
The first one is from Robert Congdon Ministries. I thought this was interesting:
Prophetically, I (Rob) have long theorized that the geopolitical center of the EU would move from Western Europe to Eastern Europe. The ancient Roman Empire’s power eventually was divided between Rome and Constantinople, with the Eastern Empire continuing long past the demise of the Western Roman Empire. We have been closely watching Turkey and its involvement in Syria. We often forget that the seven churches of Revelation were located in Turkey and that the Eastern Roman Empire was centered in Constantinople.
Also please note Robert Congdon’s biblical admonition in the last paragraph of the article. He writes in part:
For all who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior (John 1:12) we need not worry, for God controls history (Daniel 2:20-23) and promises to keep us in His hands (Jude 24). We need to keep alert to what is happening and redeem the time by proclaiming Christ and His salvation to those around us.
Agree or disagree with his eschatological model, Bill Salus provides some compelling propositions. He rightly advises:
German Chancellor Angela Merkel promptly warned EU member states against drawing hasty conclusions about Britain’s decision to quit the bloc, as that risked further splitting Europe. Bible prophecy buffs should follow this same sound advice.
Also, I couldn’t possibly leave out a link to the passionate and informed J. D. Farag’s video discussing Brexit.
Meanwhile some anti-prophecy scoffers have had their day of triumph. Postmillennialism sees dispensationalism as an errant and pessimistic “Left Behind style rapture-based” theology. One postmillennialist wrote a satirical piece stating that Brexit left dispensationalists shocked, disappointed and angry.
Our postmil friend jumped the gun.
The church has had enough time to usher in the kingdom so that Christ can return. The postmil ship resembles the Titanic’s last gurgle with the world going the wrong way. The church today is more fractured than the EU is claimed to be. It cannot govern itself let alone change the world via the gospel.
This doesn’t mean we give up the Great Commission. It means Christ returns as a conqueror to a largely rebellious world (Zech 12:9; Matt 25:31-46; Rev 19:15-21).
Moreover I’m reminded of the collapse of the Berlin Wall and subsequent dissolution of the USSR. Both Christian and secular scoffers enjoyed lampooning the “failed” End-Times Bible prophecy teachers of the time. In retrospect, these prophetic interruptions warned about speculating on specific details. We are given certain outlines of prophecy, and the Final Result. But God has His own timing.
Today we find Russian nationalism has returned under Putin’s imperialist aspirations. We have an Iran which seeks to dominate the Middle East and destroy Israel. The region is in such growing turmoil that World Leaders despair about finding any solution. The Obama administration has orchestrated the departure of US influence – except for its interference in Israeli affairs. So the prophetic clock has been reset.
Speaking of prophetic clocks – what about Israel?
How do scoffers of biblical prophecy explain national Israel’s re-emergence into the world? Even if one appeals to Zionist contrivance (as some try), how do you explain Israel’s survival under Arab attacks as a fledgling nation? What about the historical animosity against the Jew and the irrational hatred of Israel? Did Zionists orchestrate hate as well (Zech 12:9, 14:2-3)?
Why does significant venom and prejudice against Jewish Israel come from Christians and church organizations? Could they be unwittingly subject to prophecy despite their skepticism (Deut 28:37; Psalm 44:14)?
Don’t think that the Brexit “nationalist” vote is a mortal wound to globalism. The global initiative won’t just curl up and die because of a referendum. Furthermore nationalism and decentralization bring their own set of problems (see Hitler and Mussolini etc). If the wrong sort of nationalism raises its head, we’ll see the same dynamics which were present in 1930s Europe.
Finally, as one prophecy commentator noted, globalism won’t happen until God decides it’s time. It won’t happen until the Antichrist is given permission to act. For the moment, God is still restraining until that time (2 Thess 2:7-8).
Brexit and Prophecy may or may not be connected. Whatever the case, prophecy hasn’t failed. God is still on His Throne and still in control. But time is running out for this world.
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