By Grace Alone book review. By Grace Alone: How the Grace of God Amazes Me, by Sinclair Ferguson. Hardcover, published by Reformation Trust (123 pages).
As noted by Ferguson in the Preface, the inspiration for this book is a hymn written by Baptist Pastor Emmanuel T. Sibomana. When it was originally published, the hymn was called “Umbuntu Bg Imana.” A missionary in Rwanda (Rosemary Guillebaud) translated it as “O How the Grace of God Amazes Me.”
As Ferguson points out, “By Grace Alone” (though in different format) is a “companion volume” to his previous book “In Christ Alone.” At the conclusion of his Preface, he writes that,
Grace is not a “thing.” It is not a substance that can be measured or a commodity to be distributed. It is “the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Cor. 13:14). In essence, it is Jesus Himself.
The review
In this latest offering, Sinclair Ferguson uses the verses of Sibomana’s wonderful hymn to write and extol Christ’s grace and finished work for the believer. Although this book is only 123 pages, it is packed with pastoral insights. It is a highly readable and spiritually dense, little book.
Ferguson has pastoral insights into the parable of the Prodigal Son, Job’s struggles, Satan’s devices (fiery darts), spiritual warfare, and much more.
I discovered “By Grace Alone” at a time when I was becoming acutely aware of my sins, general failings and lack of fervent love for Christ. This isn’t a magic book through which the reading will remove the sense of guilt or depression a Christian often goes through. But it will be a comfort to those struggling under the weight of it all.
This is an especially good book to read when approaching Easter. It systematically points out what our Lord accomplished and how much God loves us, though we consistently fail to adequately love Him. If you desire to increase in your love for Christ, meditate upon what He did for you. According to Ferguson,
You feel a failure – indeed you have failed. Remember, then, that Jesus is at the right hand of the Father. Remember that He is there for your sake. He died for you once; He intercedes for you forever.
What a comforting thought!
“By Grace Alone” is a highly recommended little book which I will keep referring to.
One: My Chains Fell Off
Two: Unconditional Love
Three: At God’s Expense
Four: A Great Exchange
Five: Guaranteed Security
Six: Delivered From Evil
Seven: True Freedom
Index of Scripture
By Grace Alone: How the Grace of God Amazes Me !
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By Grace Alone: How the Grace of God Amazes Me
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