As Christians we acknowledge the fact of spiritual warfare. We understand that this is the world we live in. Yet I wonder if we're always aware just how close and personal it is. We're often tired of running our races and we tend to lose our focus. However, the enemy never relaxes. He is always up close and … [Read more...]
The Rapture or Israel’s Gathering?
Does Matthew 24:31 refer to the rapture or Israel’s gathering? Non-pretribulationists insist that it’s the rapture of the church. A typical posttribulationist apologetic will begin with Matt 24:29 (But immediately after the tribulation of those days) and then point to v31. And he will send out his angels with a loud … [Read more...]
Richard Baxter on God’s Love
Richard Baxter on God's Love for the saints: Baxter (1615 - 1691) is well known for his monumental work "The Saints' Everlasting Rest." This work was a product of the turmoil the Puritan experienced throughout his life. There was civil war and disease. Some 868,000 people died through battle and disease over three … [Read more...]
The Gospel According to God
The Gospel According to God is the title of a soon-to-be-released 228 page book by Dr John MacArthur. It's the latest in the "Gospel" series. The book's focus is on part of Isaiah 52 and all of Isaiah 53. A few weeks ago after evening communion service, Alistair Begg announced that John MacArthur was scheduled to … [Read more...]
An Unholy Tribulation Temple?
An Unholy Temple? - is the future Tribulation Temple unholy? On a fairly regular basis, I see comments by futuristic premillennialists of all stripes calling the tribulation temple unholy or even a "fake" temple. Incidentally, I also regularly spot "fake modern Israel" tags from some premils. For some reason - and … [Read more...]
The Great Tribulation and God’s Wrath
The Great Tribulation and God’s Wrath: according to the prewrath rapture view, the Great Tribulation is nowhere called God’s wrath. Hence, it is Satan’s wrath, not God’s. Posted on X (formerly Twitter) The Great Tribulation is NEVER referred to as God's wrath against believers (contra pretrib). Only when the … [Read more...]
Robert Culver: Israel, Church and the Rapture
Robert Duncan Culver was a sober premillennial scholar who had some interesting things to say about prophecy, Israel, the Church, the rapture and many other subjects. Recently Dan Phillips mentioned Culver's little Commentary on Daniel in a tweet. That exchange spurred me to get out his Systematic and the Daniel … [Read more...]
The Great Multitude of Revelation Chapter 7
Who are the Great Multitude of Revelation chapter 7:9-17? There are different interpretations of this heavenly group depending upon one's eschatology. Even among premillennialists. Proponents of Covenant Theology often conflate the Great Multitude with the 144,000, mentioned earlier in chapter 7. An example of this … [Read more...]
Please, Just Give Me Christ
Please, just give me Christ! When I left the Christ-less New Age, I tried to attend my local Catholic Church. I wanted to know more about the Lord. Yet every service seemed just another excuse for a social justice commentary. The popular term in those days was "reconciliation." Jesus was mentioned occasionally, but He … [Read more...]
The Shepherd of Psalm 23
Who is the Shepherd of Psalm 23? He is none other than our LORD Jesus Christ. He is also the King of glory of Psalm 24. Who is this King of glory? — The LORD strong and mighty; the LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this … [Read more...]