The Everlasting Joys of Heaven: heaven won’t be a place where believers only stand around Christ to worship and sing for eternity. People (especially unbelievers) sometimes think that heaven will be a boring place. Some joke that hell will be more interesting. The Bible tells us that it will be a place of weeping … [Read more...]
Spurgeon and Christ’s Imminent Return
Spurgeon and Christ’s Imminent Return – yes, Charles Spurgeon really did believe that Christ could return at any moment. He lived in that mindset and advised others to do likewise. We’ve posted several articles discussing Charles Spurgeon’s views on the value of imminence. Two can be found HERE and HERE. This … [Read more...]
Michael Svigel and the Fathers
Michael Svigel and the Fathers: The purpose of this post is to introduce Svigel’s book and his articles on the Early Church Fathers. The full title of the book is: Fathers on the Future: A 2nd-Century Eschatology for the 21st-Century Church. You can watch Dr. Svigel being interviewed by Peter Goeman HERE The main … [Read more...]
God is Desiring Israel
God is Desiring Israel - I cheekily chose the title as a play on John Piper's Desiring God. God desires to redeem the nation Israel. Moreover, He will do so for His name's sake. God is Desiring Israel to be saved. He has said as much. I've profited from various articles on John Piper's website. I own three of his … [Read more...]
The Song of the Twenty Four Elders
There's a High Doxology in The Song of the Twenty Four Elders. As we've noted in a previous article, Doxology is an expression of praise to God, especially in the form of singing hymns and uttering praises. Revelation is a book of High Doxology, not just eschatology and symbols. Consider these verses: Holy, … [Read more...]
Praying for Israel AND the Nations
Praying for Israel AND the Nations: do we solely pray for Israel to the exclusion of our nation or other nations? A popular author within the Christian Nationalism movement chided people on social media for praying for Israel rather than America. The context of the comment involves the increasing tensions regarding … [Read more...]
Learning About Evangelical Zionism
Learning about Evangelical Zionism: In this day and age the word "Zionism" too often has sinister connotations. Thanks to the activism and disinformation of a number of popular Christians and organizations, Zionism has come to be associated with occupation, oppression and human rights violations. Yet aside from these … [Read more...]
Israel’s Horse and Buggy
Israel’s Horse and Buggy: what if God’s land promises to Israel were but inferior forerunners of a greater future blessing? Can this be the case? This the premise proposed in a book, “Time for Favor: Scottish Evangelism among the Jewish People 1838 to 1852” by John Stuart Ross. The first I want to say is that … [Read more...]
The Rapture Trap?
Is the belief in a pretribulational rapture a trap? Is it really the rapture trap that some people claim? Every once in a while a magic lever gets pulled releasing a wave of criticism against the pretrib rapture belief and pretribbers. Lately, Facebook and YouTube have been full of anti-pretrib proclamations. One … [Read more...]
On the Road with Lewis and Tolkien
These two Christian authors wrote on similar themes, though in different ways. Both impacted my life in early years. Each week I sit down and try to think about what to write. There's a lot happening, and very quickly. Most of it isn't good. I had a long list of troublesome items I wanted to highlight in a column. … [Read more...]