A great multitude of rapture musings: the pretrib view has been accused of circular reasoning and arguments appealing to eisegesis. What about pretrib's critics? At around 2006, I found my way into Jack Kinsella's Omega Letter forum. Jack was pretrib, as most of the members were. I was somewhat skeptical - posttrib … [Read more...]
The Wrath of Christ
Talking about the Wrath of Christ isn't done in polite society. Not just in the secular sphere but also in the religious. The message constantly preached nowadays is that God is Love. There's no place for wrath. While it is true that love is one of God's attributes, God is also just. Because God is just, He hates … [Read more...]
The Nature of Our Hope
What is the Nature of Our Hope? Is it not the redemption of our sick dying bodies and our wicked natures? And is not that hope found in Christ's accomplished work on our behalf? In Prayer and Spiritual Warfare (Saved in Hope), Charles Spurgeon wrote, Our hope of being completely delivered from sin in our spirits … [Read more...]
The Day of the Lord – 1 Thessalonians 5
What did the Apostle Paul mean by the expression "peace and safety" before the Day of the Lord in 1 Thessalonians 5? What can we say about its timing? Is it pretribulational? Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you. For you yourselves know full well that the … [Read more...]
The Lord Jesus Christ is Coming Soon
Are you ready? There will be mockers who note that people have been saying that for eons. Don't fall into the trap. Jesus is always coming soon. One day He will surprise those who are still on this earth. Always be ready. Dr. Steven Lawson recently sent out three tweets which impacted me. I'll cite them in bold. … [Read more...]
Pretribbers Thessalonians and Hobby Horses
The problem with Pretribbers, Thessalonians and Hobby Horses... Ah, those poor pretribulationists - they never seem to get it right. Or so I'm told. For a bunch of reasons these days I'm less motivated to ride my prophecy hobby-horse. There are other things I want to focus on. Every once in a while I hop back … [Read more...]
On Prophecy Charts and Virgins
On Prophecy Charts and Virgins. Or putting it another way, how does believing a posttrib chart turn someone into a Tribulation Prepared Saint? Some people seem to think it does. I used to be one of the administrators of a pretrib-prophecy Facebook group. Every now and then I revisit the forum. On one trip someone … [Read more...]
Will Craig get Left Behind?
Note: The article "Will Craig get Left Behind" first appeared on the Omega Letter website. In anticipation of a Left Behind movie remake, Christian apologist William Lane Craig once threw his hat into the ring and proffered his opinion on the rapture. It's unclear to me if he was asked for his view or whether he felt … [Read more...]
Bible Prophecy & Covenant Theology
Bible Prophecy and Covenant Theology - how does Covenant Theology (CT) deal with prophecy in the Old Testament? Does it try to avoid the subject? I've looked at this topic previously. But I wanted to make some additional observations. Recently, Westminster Seminary Press republished a book by Herman Bavinck: The … [Read more...]
Another Peace Plan Boat Floats down the River
And so another Peace Plan Boat Floats down the River. It was a long time coming, with speculation aplenty about the "Deal of the Century". Is it headed for the same ghost-ship harbor where all the other plans have ended up? I'm not optimistic. In fact I'll wager it was dead in the water even before the details … [Read more...]