Israel Forsaken: Eschatology in the Psalms - I'm going to do something whacky (which isn't foreign to me). I'm recommending two books I actually haven't quite read yet. It isn't the first time I've done this. For another instance, see my review of William Gurnall's The Christian in Complete Armour. Book One The … [Read more...]
Tucker Carlson John Rich
That Tucker Carlson John Rich interview: clips of Rich’s statements against the pretribulational rapture were shared and lit social media. What inevitably followed was a back and forth between pretribbers and non-pretribbers. I don’t doubt Rich’s sincerity, but he didn’t bring along anything new to the interview; … [Read more...]
God’s Clock and Man’s Clock
When thinking about measuring time there are at least Two Clocks to consider: God's Clock and Man's Clock. God's timing isn't our timing. God's Clock isn't Man's Clock. God's timing is perfect. There's a chapter on waiting for God's answer to prayer in James and Joel Beeke's little book Developing a Healthy Prayer … [Read more...]
Signs of Christ’s Coming
What are the signs of Christ's coming? Can the Second Advent happen today? What about the rapture of the church? I've been reading through my Morning and Evening Spurgeon Devotional. He was called the Prince of Preachers for good reasons. I love his grand language and his pastoral insights. He was a man of great faith … [Read more...]
What if there is no rapture
What if there is no rapture. The title of this column was inspired by Adam Hunter’s Christian Post article, Imagine there’s no rapture. What if there is no rapture I don’t intend to comment on the article in detail, just the gist of it as far as I can tell. Firstly, note that Hunter’s column focuses on a specific … [Read more...]
Church and my rapture view
Church and my rapture view. Please help; my Church won’t teach my rapture view! I’ve heard this complaint in various forms over the years. The latest example was of someone asking for prayer for a family ostracized in their church for not being pretribulational. Accordingly, the area is predominantly pretrib and … [Read more...]
Did the Disciples ask the Wrong Question?
Did the Disciples ask the Wrong Question? When the disciples approached Jesus in Acts 1:6, did they get it wrong? What were they thinking? Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, "Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" Act 1:6 Okay, I've written about this issue … [Read more...]
Jesus Longs for His Return
According to Puritan Thomas Goodwin, Jesus longs for his Return. Christians, who wait for Him, ought to be comforted by that truth. In the booklet "A Habitual Sight of Him," he is cited as writing, It is the manner of bridegrooms, when they made all ready in their fathers' houses, then to come themselves and … [Read more...]
Andy Woods on the Pre-Wrath Rapture
Andy Woods on the Pre-Wrath Rapture: the following critique of prewrath was presented at the 2023 Pretrib Conference. You can watch the video at This Link (and below) and read the accompanying notes etc HERE. Some Observations Dr. Woods has spent time to research and understand the prewrath rapture position. This … [Read more...]
God’s Promises to Israel
Were God’s promises to Israel too wonderful to comprehend in plain language? Some think so—hence, God allegedly revealed them using earthly categories. Why would someone conclude this? One example I have unabashedly pinched the following example from a Daily Devotional (which I happen to recommend, BTW). The … [Read more...]