Finding a post rapture letter from Aunt Helen filled Colin with mixed emotions. In it she revealed how sick she was. She'd always been so vibrant and energetic, and he hadn't noticed anything troubling in all his busyness. This is part two of a previous fictional post: "Why am I still here?" It turned out that … [Read more...]
Why am I still here?
"Why am I still here?" That was the question Colin kept grappling with. "Aunt Helen is gone, disappeared—why am I still here?" What happened? He stood in her kitchen gazing out of the window into the well-tended garden. But he was careful not to step on that greyish residue on the ceramic tiles in front of the … [Read more...]
What is Postmillennialism?
What is Postmillennialism? Postmillennialism in America is experiencing resurgence, at least from my somewhat limited perspective on social media. Why is it apparently becoming popular? Its resurgence in popularity might be attributed to several influential Reformed men who employ various social media outlets … [Read more...]
Prewrath Rapture’s Great Tribulation
Prewrath Rapture's Great Tribulation: the primary distinctive of the prewrath rapture view is that the Great Tribulation is cut short (only) for the church (Matt 24:22). During one exchange on social media, a PW advocate disagreed with John Walvoord's remark that Scripture isn't explicit regarding rapture timing—we … [Read more...]
Adolph Saphir on Christ and His Return
Adolph Saphir expressed some encouraging thoughts about Christ's return in the book The Hidden Life: Thoughts on Communion with God. On The Hidden Life The Hidden Life isn't a well-known book today. It's also a classic example of a book I bought many years ago; gave it a cursory look and placed it on the book … [Read more...]
Eschatology of the Church Fathers
What was the pervading eschatology of the church fathers? Did they have any consensus on eschatological beliefs? You might be surprised. Every once in a while I spot an online squabble about the early church fathers' beliefs. Sometimes it's an academic one regarding epistemology; Augustine, Thomas Aquinas etc. Often … [Read more...]
Calvinism and the Antichrist
What's the connection between Calvinism and the Antichrist? Specifically, Calvinism teaches that Christians cannot lose their salvation. Yet we often hear of the danger of apostasy if one isn't prepared for the "Antichrist's Great Tribulation." I've written on this before. This is a re-visit of the issue. The … [Read more...]
Is the Pretrib Rapture Anti-Semitic?
Is the Pretrib Rapture Anti-Semitic? Is pretrib latently anti-Semitic? Does it have anti-Jewish baggage because of its eschatology? I often see strange comments on social media. One person in a group wrote that believing in pretribulationism means you believe Israel has to face persecution alone. They went on to say … [Read more...]
Why Does the World hate the Jews?
Why Does the World hate the Jews? Anti-Semitism has existed since Israel became a nation. It is insidious and ingrained in history. Over the years I've written articles pointing it out in various institutions and individuals, and even countries. One of my biggest frustrations with the church is its adoption of … [Read more...]
The Messiah and Future Israel
The Messiah and Future Israel: Below are the concluding thoughts from Larry Pettegrew's chapter (The Messiah's Lecture on the Future of Israel) of Forsaking Israel. I recommend the book, and especially the first chapter: The Curious Case of the Church Fathers and Israel. The Conclusion The … [Read more...]