What was the pervading eschatology of the church fathers? Did they have any consensus on eschatological beliefs? You might be surprised. Every once in a while I spot an online squabble about the early church fathers' beliefs. Sometimes it's an academic one regarding epistemology; Augustine, Thomas Aquinas etc. Often … [Read more...]
Calvinism and the Antichrist
What's the connection between Calvinism and the Antichrist? Specifically, Calvinism teaches that Christians cannot lose their salvation. Yet we often hear of the danger of apostasy if one isn't prepared for the "Antichrist's Great Tribulation." I've written on this before. This is a re-visit of the issue. The … [Read more...]
Is the Pretrib Rapture Anti-Semitic?
Is the Pretrib Rapture Anti-Semitic? Is pretrib latently anti-Semitic? Does it have anti-Jewish baggage because of its eschatology? I often see strange comments on social media. One person in a group wrote that believing in pretribulationism means you believe Israel has to face persecution alone. They went on to say … [Read more...]
Why Does the World hate the Jews?
Why Does the World hate the Jews? Anti-Semitism has existed since Israel became a nation. It is insidious and ingrained in history. Over the years I've written articles pointing it out in various institutions and individuals, and even countries. One of my biggest frustrations with the church is its adoption of … [Read more...]
The Messiah and Future Israel
The Messiah and Future Israel: Below are the concluding thoughts from Larry Pettegrew's chapter (The Messiah's Lecture on the Future of Israel) of Forsaking Israel. I recommend the book, and especially the first chapter: The Curious Case of the Church Fathers and Israel. The Conclusion The … [Read more...]
Should Imminence be Second Tier
Should the doctrine of imminence be second tier in a pretrib Statement of Faith? I occasionally come across contra-pretrib articles which make me blink for their sheer lack of self-awareness and audacity. One writer claims there are no explicit imminence statements in Scripture (actually he has a small window … [Read more...]
As in the Days of Noah
For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, they were marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so shall the … [Read more...]
Spurgeon – The Need for Living with an Imminent Mindset
Although he wasn't a pretribulationist, Charles Spurgeon saw the need for living with an imminent mindset. He advised Christians to live as if Christ could come any moment. The following thoughts may appear somewhat disjointed. They were formed from previous responses following attacks on the concept of an imminent … [Read more...]
A Rise in Postmillennialism
Lately I've been witnessing a rise in postmillennialism on social media. It's ironic given the current dystopian state of the world. I can anticipate the postmil responses. In fact, I've seen them. As bleak as things may appear to us, God is in control and may turn it around. But the question remains: what does … [Read more...]
Greek Grammar and Eschatology
Greek Grammar and Eschatology - Over the years I've seen a few examples of Greek words employed during eschatological debates. Now I want to make it clear that when it comes to Greek, I know zilch, and don't pretend to. But the liberal sprinkling of Greek terms is sometimes used to impress and influence those with … [Read more...]