Recently, there has been some good work responding to Covenant Theology. Among others, two standout offerings come from Paul Henebury and Michael Vlach. Paul Henebury Otherwise known as Dr Reluctant, Paul Henebury runs a blog and a website, and has written a book. Paul famously responded to The Ninety-Five Theses … [Read more...]
Are You Ready For the Lord? Maranatha!
One of the happiest, providential moments that happened to me after I left my New Age life behind was finding a great Christian Book Store. It had an extensive selection of Biblical commentaries, apologetics works and books on eschatology. It often seemed as if a particular book appeared on the shelves just when I … [Read more...]
Second Thessalonians Two a Pretrib Problem
Is second Thessalonians two a pretrib problem? I've covered some of this material before, so this is really a recap of sorts. If you're on social media a lot and have an interest in prophecy, there's a chance you may have come across a documentary called "Seven Pretrib Problems and the Prewrath Rapture." In a … [Read more...]
What is Revelation’s Hour of Testing?
What is Revelation's Hour of Testing? Rev 3:10 contains a specific promise to the Philadelphian Church. The nature of this promise has long been the subject of debate. Because you have kept the word of my perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole … [Read more...]
Looking Forward from Emmaus
In a previous post (Looking Back from Emmaus) I looked at the Emmaus discussion Jesus had with two disciples. Jesus had opened up the Old Testament for them. What happened over the last few days had been forecasted by Moses and the prophets. This time we will be Looking Forward from Emmaus. If the Old Testament … [Read more...]
Does Revelation 3:10 really affirm Pretribulationism?
As far back as I can remember Rev 3:10 is a verse which many pretribulational writers present as evidence for the pretrib rapture. Are they right? Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews, and are not, but lie - I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know … [Read more...]
The Real Problem with Israel
The Real Problem with Israel is that it needs to acknowledge its Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And one day it will. There will come a time when God will bring all nations against it, and then He will go and fight against the nations. I recently watched a video between a former Marxist (agnostic) and an American … [Read more...]
John MacArthur and the Rapture
John MacArthur and the Rapture - did MacArthur secretly change his position on pretribulationism? Over the years this rumor resurfaces. It was recently discussed in a social media forum. Pretrib Monolith This persistent allegation is based on the premise that pretribulationism is so heavily entrenched in The … [Read more...]
Covenant Theology and Eschatology
Covenant Theology and Eschatology - why does Covenant Theology's eschatology differ so much from Dispensationalism? God took me by the shoulders and pointed me in the right direction soon after leaving the New Age behind. It was an answer to prayer. I'm convinced that He providentially provided me with solid … [Read more...]
What is Dispensationalism really?
Over the years I've benefited from reading Covenant Theologians. Still do. The ones I tend to read take much of their material from the older saints and the Puritans. When it comes to Christ, the Trinity, the Five Solas etc, these people have nourished me. I am indebted to them Mathison on Dispensationalism But … [Read more...]