God's Sovereignty the Antichrist and delusion - the following article goes back over some old territory in a slightly different way. A familiar declaration... A while ago I came across a set of comments. An individual asserted that the Great Tribulation was Antichrist's wrath against Jews and Christians, not … [Read more...]
Modern Israel as Proof of God’s Existence
Is it possible to use modern Israel as proof of God's existence? Recently a friend posed me that interesting question. As he noted, most Christian apologists currently debating atheists tend to be amillennial (and postmillennial). Therefore it wouldn't be natural for them to use events such as Israel's restoration in … [Read more...]
Does Dispensationalism Get Revelation Wrong?
Does Dispensationalism Get Revelation Wrong? I constantly come across polemics against the futuristic premillennial view of the Book of Revelation. Some are fairly irenic, others are harshly critical. But how do the critics fare with Revelation? Rossing Exposed Perhaps the worst example of a polemic against … [Read more...]
Preparing for Tribulation
How do we prepare for the tribulation and Jesus' return? While we're asking questions, how do we prepare for any pre-tribulation tribulation? You know - the kind which often overtakes us in our daily lives. Over the years I've noticed a burgeoning Tribulation Preparation Industry. I'm all for preparedness to a point. … [Read more...]
A Coming King
I've always loved fantasy, especially the kind inspired by British folklore and surrounding countries. Many of them were based on the idea of a coming king. Years ago I collected a set of books which included the tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. I also loved reading T. H. White's The Sword in … [Read more...]
Farewell to the Shadowlands: The Last Battle
Farewell to the Shadowlands is a chapter in C. S. Lewis' book, The Last Battle. It is the eschatological bookend of the Chronicles of Narnia. Goodbye to Narnia In The Last Battle, Narnia and the world it resides in, is destroyed, and most of the characters die in the final are killed off. It all sounds rather … [Read more...]
Ashamed of Dispensational Bible Prophecy
Are you ashamed of dispensational Bible prophecy? Or are you one of those proud prophecy kooks who love Israel? I like to think I'm the latter. Unfortunately there's pressure on Christians to keep their interest in Bible prophecy and Israel to themselves. My introduction to prophecy occurred when I was around six … [Read more...]
Apostasy the Danger of Pretribulationism
Apostasy, the danger of pretribulationism - Every now and then I get to re-visit old territory. Is pretribulationism dangerous? Some continue to think so. This premise drives their behavior. The Woods Onslaught Dr Andy Woods recently presented a lecture series on the subject of the diverse views on the timing of … [Read more...]
The Perpetual Israel Palestinian Conflict
There has been another Israeli-Palestinian flare up. So what's new? No one ought to be surprised. There were talks of peace during the Trump Administration. That didn't last. Predictable and Empowered The most recent conflagration was inevitable. The US admin taking over from Donald Trump's predictably … [Read more...]
God’s Unfinished Business
Israel is God's unfinished business. How do some Christians see Zionism? In fact most don't see any biblical warrant to recognize a Jewish state. Even where some Christians don't have any particular animosity against modern secular Israel, they deny any biblical mandate for its existence. For example Isaac Munther … [Read more...]