Who are the 144,000? Who are the 144,00 of Revelation chapter seven? Well, when all else fails, what does the text say about them? And I heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel: from the tribe of Judah, twelve thousand were sealed, … [Read more...]
Israel Will Mourn for Him
And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn. Zech 12:10 One day Israel will mourn for its … [Read more...]
On Jews and Credit Card Identity Theft
On Jews and Credit Card Identity Theft - I know that's a weird title to an article. But stay with me. This is more about the Jews than credit cards. Imagine that someone steals your credit card. You get statements from your bank detailing purchases you never made. Someone has taken over your identity. You are still … [Read more...]
On Future Israel and True Israel
Is Israel fulfilled by True Israel, Christ? It's a practice in Covenant Theology to assert that Israel's promises have been fulfilled in Christ. With this and other assertions such as "Christ is true Israel" and "Fulfillment Theology" etc, CT sweeps away biblical prophecy related to Israel. Despite theses nuances, … [Read more...]
The Disciples’ Olivet Discourse Questions
What was the context of the Disciples' Olivet Discourse Questions? This issue constantly comes up in millennial and rapture timing discussions. I have touched upon this before, but it doesn't hurt to revisit the topic. An eschatological tug of war Depending on one's eschatological assumptions (or requirements), … [Read more...]
Can We Trust Prophecy?
Can we trust prophecy? Some people caution against it. Over the years there have been various attacks mounted on the study of prophecy. Many of these have focused on recent infamous (and failed) predictions of Christ's Second Coming made by certain individuals. During the course of time there have been spectacular … [Read more...]
Are there Seven Problems with Pretrib?
Are there seven problems with pretrib? Some prewrath folk recently came together and contributed to a documentary highlighting problems with pretrib. My first thought was, "Only seven?" Of course I'm being sarcastic. Incidentally, one of the gents involved produced a video ominously asserting that the pretrib … [Read more...]
National Israel Will Always be Israel
According to the Bible, as I understand it, national Israel will always be Israel. This is despite the employment of theological terms to suggest otherwise. National Israel will always be Israel, not the church pretending to be a better, more spiritual version. Israel failed in many areas. But what can we honestly say … [Read more...]
Second Thessalonians One a Pretrib Problem?
Is Second Thessalonians One a pretrib problem? Some think so. It depends on what assumptions we bring to the text. Despite the confidence people have in their positions, all rapture timing views have difficult areas. So we should humbly avoid dogmatism. For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction … [Read more...]
Kept from the Hour of Trial
How are Christians Kept from the Hour of Trial? What does the promise of Revelation 3:10 really mean? Does it support the pretrib rapture? Some time ago I saw an individual's anti-pretrib comments on various social media platforms. He wasn't just part of the usual anti-pretrib police. This man was promoting his new … [Read more...]