Why do people reject the Bible? Is it because it makes extravagant claims which can be easily debunked? At one stage I thought so. But as I got older I slowly began to realize that such wasn't the case. When I was fishing around the New Age, I deliberately avoided reading my Bible. It was only after I found myself … [Read more...]
A Rise in Postmillennialism
Lately I've been witnessing a rise in postmillennialism on social media. It's ironic given the current dystopian state of the world. I can anticipate the postmil responses. In fact, I've seen them. As bleak as things may appear to us, God is in control and may turn it around. But the question remains: what does … [Read more...]
Drifting to a Shipwreck
Drifting to a Shipwreck—or I could have simply titled this post: Beware of so-called Christian agnostics and progressive Christians! Drifting from Christ In his Commentary on Hebrews, R. Kent Hughes notes that one of the ancient symbols for the Church is a ship. He says the idea originated from the gospel … [Read more...]
Trinitarian Praise and Worship
Below are a few older hymns of Trinitarian praise and worship. These have been selected from Spurgeon's Own Hymn Book. Our salvation and access to God's throne is a work of the Triune God. We ought to keep in mind the Trinity in both our worship and prayer. The following article from 9Marks is helpful regarding the … [Read more...]
Reading the Bible the Wrong Way
You're Reading the Bible the wrong way—or so you'll be told if you cite Scripture against what the culture deems to be sacred. Among your critics will be professing Christians. The Rossing dossier Barbara Rossing is a Lutheran (ELCA) professor of New Testament, among other things. She's often lauded for having … [Read more...]
How would John Knox Pray today?
Given the state of this world, how would John Knox Pray today? Roman Catholic Queen Mary feared his prayers. Knox was a mighty pray-er! In the book "Taking Hold of God" Brain G. Najapfour writes, On one occasion Know prayed, 'Give me Scotland or I die,' and the queen said: 'I fear the prayer of John Knox more … [Read more...]
Greek Grammar and Eschatology
Greek Grammar and Eschatology - Over the years I've seen a few examples of Greek words employed during eschatological debates. Now I want to make it clear that when it comes to Greek, I know zilch, and don't pretend to. But the liberal sprinkling of Greek terms is sometimes used to impress and influence those with … [Read more...]
Christian Counseling Change Therapy
Christian counseling change therapy - Below is a video discussion about therapy for gays, lesbians and transgenders. What are the issues surrounding conversion? The pod cast is hosted by Jon Harris of Conversations that Matter. His guests are Rosaria Butterfield and Dr. Andre Van Mol. The guests I know next to … [Read more...]
Reforming Our View of Israel
Reforming our view of Israel—it's high time that Christians, who love God's Word, should let it speak over creeds and catechisms. Some background A few years ago I was invited to contribute to the Omega Letter (OL) run by Jack Kinsella. My brief was Israel, and it was posted on a weekly basis. However, in time, … [Read more...]
Responding to Covenant Theology
Recently, there has been some good work responding to Covenant Theology. Among others, two standout offerings come from Paul Henebury and Michael Vlach. Paul Henebury Otherwise known as Dr Reluctant, Paul Henebury runs a blog and a website, and has written a book. Paul famously responded to The Ninety-Five Theses … [Read more...]