Game of Gods is the title of an important book by Carl Teichrib. The principle of Oneness is a concept you will encounter everywhere you look, once you know how to look. The title of Teichrib's book and Oneness are inextricably connected. When I left the New Age, I figured I'd finally said adieu. As a New Age … [Read more...]
An Eighth Letter to the Church
What if Jesus Christ wrote an eighth letter to the church? What if the Lord wrote a personal letter to me and you? What would He say to us? I get nervous thinking about it. Every once in a while I read through the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches portion of the Book of Revelation. I'm sure I need to do it more … [Read more...]
Acknowledging Our Need of Christ
Acknowledging our need of Christ is requisite to a true coming to Christ. And what is it that an unbeliever needs? Isn't it a rescue from God's wrath against sin? This truth is vividly brought out in Geoffrey Thomas' little book Everyone's Invited. Thomas notes that God (who is omniscient) knows everything … [Read more...]
Hymns for those Times of Affliction
Below are three old hymns for those times of affliction. They are taken from Charles Spurgeon's Own Hymn Book. "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33 It seems the older I get the more I see … [Read more...]
The Modern Priests of Moloch
The Modern Priests of Moloch: The ancient practise of Moloch worship appears to be alive and well today, at least in some form. There are obvious differences. But the heart of the matter is essentially the same. When a media outlet leaked news of the possibility of Roe V. Wade being overturned pandemonium broke … [Read more...]
Confession and Contrition of Past Saints
The confession and contrition of past saints can be helpful to Christians today. Our generation has become too self-obsessed. The sentiments of our secular culture have bled into the church - instead of the church influencing the culture. We're seeing this in certain creeping movements into the church. Some churches … [Read more...]
Looking Forward from Emmaus
In a previous post (Looking Back from Emmaus) I looked at the Emmaus discussion Jesus had with two disciples. Jesus had opened up the Old Testament for them. What happened over the last few days had been forecasted by Moses and the prophets. This time we will be Looking Forward from Emmaus. If the Old Testament … [Read more...]
Beware the Very Good Gospel
Beware The Very Good Gospel: How Everything Wrong Can be Made right, a book by Lisa Sharon Harper. The book is endorsed by the likes of Jen Hatmaker, Jim Wallis, Shane Claiborne and Walter Brueggemann. All these names are associated with Social Justice Activism and Progressive Christianity. There's nothing wrong … [Read more...]
Seven Last Sayings of Jesus
Seven Last Sayings of Jesus while He was on the Cross - a plea for forgiveness...and more! The following seven are taken from Erwin Lutzer's Cries from the Cross - A Journey into the Heart of Jesus 1) Pardon Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast … [Read more...]
Jesus and Buddha?
Jesus and Buddha - what do they have in common? Well, lots of least according to some people. Some time ago my wife received a health news email promoting an event called "Rediscovering the Buddha and Jesus." The catchy teaser asked: "Buddha & Jesus: Cross -Training with Both?" I guess cross-training … [Read more...]