I Believe in Christ. So what? Would a comment like that coming up in a conversation startle you? How would you respond? So what! In two of his books, "The Battle Belongs to the Lord" and "Covenantal Apologetics," K. Scott Oliphint recalls an incident involving discussing the gospel with someone. The man affirmed … [Read more...]
How the Grace of God Amazes Me
"O How the Grace of God Amazes Me" - a hymn by Emmanuel T. Sibomana. Sibomana (1910-1975) was a Baptist minister who grew up around Burundi, and lived near Musema. I came by the hymn through reading Sinclair Ferguson's book, By Grace Alone: How the Grace of God Amazes Me. In fact, Ferguson wrote the entire book … [Read more...]
Does Revelation 3:10 really affirm Pretribulationism?
As far back as I can remember Rev 3:10 is a verse which many pretribulational writers present as evidence for the pretrib rapture. Are they right? Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews, and are not, but lie - I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know … [Read more...]
Paul Washer’s Near Death Experience
Paul Washer's Near Death Experience: Paul Washer's once had a heart attack and learned firsthand that life is a vapor. You can read his account at Banner of Truth. The following are key points from the article. According to Washer, Without warning, I fell to the kitchen floor unconscious. I remember nothing that … [Read more...]
The Real Problem with Israel
The Real Problem with Israel is that it needs to acknowledge its Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And one day it will. There will come a time when God will bring all nations against it, and then He will go and fight against the nations. I recently watched a video between a former Marxist (agnostic) and an American … [Read more...]
Christ Our King of Glory
Christ Our King of Glory...Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in! (Psalm 24:1-10) The earth is the LORD'S, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it. For He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers. Who may ascend … [Read more...]
Amazon Lord of the Rings of Woke
Amazon Lord of the Rings of Woke. Amazon now has the rights to some of Tolkien's books and is in the process of producing The Rings of Power. The release of the trailer, teasers and the Superfan extravaganzas has fueled a lot of negative reaction from Tolkien readers. My Introduction to Tolkien & Lewis All … [Read more...]
More on Covenant Theology and Amillennialism
More on Covenant Theology and Amillennialism - in a previous column we briefly looked at what dispensationalism really was. It was a response to an article by postmillennialist Keith Mathison which appeared at Ligonier. I pointed to an older article by Michael Vlach and materials from Dr. Reluctant's blog. Various … [Read more...]
Covenant Theology and Eschatology
Covenant Theology and Eschatology - why does Covenant Theology's eschatology differ so much from Dispensationalism? God took me by the shoulders and pointed me in the right direction soon after leaving the New Age behind. It was an answer to prayer. I'm convinced that He providentially provided me with solid … [Read more...]
Testimony of a Redeemed Mormon
The video below is the testimony of a redeemed Mormon. Micah Wilder was interviewed by Doreen Virtue, who also came out of the New Age. Wilder's testimony is convicting and encouraging. It is a testament to the power of God's Word, as found only in Scripture. What is Mormonism? The Mormon Church (The Church of … [Read more...]