Farewell to the Shadowlands is a chapter in C. S. Lewis' book, The Last Battle. It is the eschatological bookend of the Chronicles of Narnia. Goodbye to Narnia In The Last Battle, Narnia and the world it resides in, is destroyed, and most of the characters die in the final are killed off. It all sounds rather … [Read more...]
Ashamed of Dispensational Bible Prophecy
Are you ashamed of dispensational Bible prophecy? Or are you one of those proud prophecy kooks who love Israel? I like to think I'm the latter. Unfortunately there's pressure on Christians to keep their interest in Bible prophecy and Israel to themselves. My introduction to prophecy occurred when I was around six … [Read more...]
Apostasy the Danger of Pretribulationism
Apostasy, the danger of pretribulationism - Every now and then I get to re-visit old territory. Is pretribulationism dangerous? Some continue to think so. This premise drives their behavior. The Woods Onslaught Dr Andy Woods recently presented a lecture series on the subject of the diverse views on the timing of … [Read more...]
Rejoice and Tremble in The Lord?
Rejoice and tremble in the Lord? It almost sounds like an oxymoron. Yet Michael Reeves has written that fear and joy of the Lord go hand in hand. Rejoice & Tremble: The Surprising Good News of the Fear of the Lord is the title of a book written by Mike Reeves. This post isn't a review. You can read someone … [Read more...]
Remember the Signs
Remember the Signs... This is a line from C. S. Lewis' Narnia Chronicles story The Silver Chair. The lion Aslan gives Jill Pole four vital signs to remember in order to complete a quest of finding Narnian Prince Rilian, who had disappeared many years earlier. Just before Aslan (a Christ figure) sends Jill off … [Read more...]
The Perpetual Israel Palestinian Conflict
There has been another Israeli-Palestinian flare up. So what's new? No one ought to be surprised. There were talks of peace during the Trump Administration. That didn't last. Predictable and Empowered The most recent conflagration was inevitable. The US admin taking over from Donald Trump's predictably … [Read more...]
God’s Unfinished Business
Israel is God's unfinished business. How do some Christians see Zionism? In fact most don't see any biblical warrant to recognize a Jewish state. Even where some Christians don't have any particular animosity against modern secular Israel, they deny any biblical mandate for its existence. For example Isaac Munther … [Read more...]
On Apostates De-Conversions and Death
On Apostates De-Conversions and Death - Why does someone de-convert from Christianity? What happens to an apostate after death? I've been thinking a lot about these topics as there have been many examples occurring so close together. I don't have any pat answers. I doubt anyone does - other than what we find in … [Read more...]
Who are the 144,000?
Who are the 144,000? Who are the 144,00 of Revelation chapter seven? Well, when all else fails, what does the text say about them? And I heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel: from the tribe of Judah, twelve thousand were sealed, … [Read more...]
Israel Will Mourn for Him
And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn. Zech 12:10 One day Israel will mourn for its … [Read more...]