These two Christian authors wrote on similar themes, though in different ways. Both impacted my life in early years. Each week I sit down and try to think about what to write. There's a lot happening, and very quickly. Most of it isn't good. I had a long list of troublesome items I wanted to highlight in a column. … [Read more...]
The Beast that is Anti-Semitism
Racism can be like an incurable spreading cancer. It will eventually kill the body it invades. It's a Beast which has consumed White Supremacists, Neo Nazis and other groups. But racism doesn't always wear white hoods and cloaks. Its tentacles reach a much broader base. Before I go on, I should acknowledge that some … [Read more...]
The Rage of the Nations
The rage of the nations. The nations and kings of the world rage because they desire to be unfettered by God’s Word and Law. See Why do the Nations Rage? It began in Eden...Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will … [Read more...]
Killing the Red Lizard
Killing the Red Lizard is a title derived from a scene in C. S. Lewis' little book, The Great Divorce. A little red lizard sits on a ghost's shoulder whispering lustful thoughts into his ear. Lewis says he got his idea of the title The Great Divorce in deference to Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Lewis used … [Read more...]
Israel Forsaken: Eschatology in the Psalms
Israel Forsaken: Eschatology in the Psalms - I'm going to do something whacky (which isn't foreign to me). I'm recommending two books I actually haven't quite read yet. It isn't the first time I've done this. For another instance, see my review of William Gurnall's The Christian in Complete Armour. Book One The … [Read more...]
When the Wicked Seem to Flourish: Psalm 73
When the wicked seem to flourish: Psalm 73. More and more we see wickedness around us and we might wonder about God's sovereignty and justice. At such times, read Psalm 73. Who have I in heaven but you? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides you! This verse has been a favorite. But its context never … [Read more...]
Three Hymns on Christ’s Second Advent
Three Hymns on Christ's Second Advent - The following three hymns on Christ's Second Advent are chosen from Charles Spurgeon's Own Hymn Book. I've come to appreciate the old hymns. I hope some readers will do as well. Since Christ ascended to heaven there has been a hope and yearning for His return. The disciples … [Read more...]
Tucker Carlson John Rich
That Tucker Carlson John Rich interview: clips of Rich’s statements against the pretribulational rapture were shared and lit social media. What inevitably followed was a back and forth between pretribbers and non-pretribbers. I don’t doubt Rich’s sincerity, but he didn’t bring along anything new to the interview; … [Read more...]
Review of The Excellencies of God
A review of The Excellencies of God: The Excellencies of God: Exploring and Enjoying His Attributes, by Terry L Johnson. It is published by Reformation Heritage Books (395 pages). Personal history I learned about God at my mother's feet, and later in a Catholic setting. One can quibble about whether I heard the … [Read more...]
Let’s Pray for America
Let’s pray for America. On the 13th of July, 2024, a shocking assassination attempt was made on Donald Trump. While I won’t dwell on the politics surrounding this event here, anyone who looks at this nation objectively must realize how divided it has become. America is divided on multiple levels, not just … [Read more...]