What if you had a Time Machine? A secular friend posed this question a few weeks ago. He asked, "What if you had a Time Machine, would you go forward or backward - and why?" The stipulation was that you could only view a single event. In the ensuing conversation, that stipulation was modified to a narrow period no … [Read more...]
A Growing Lawlessness
One only has to read one's preferred daily media feeds to see that there's a growing lawlessness in this world. That said, I should also interject myself here and admit that some people don't believe the world is getting any worse from a moral or criminal standpoint. A friend once mentioned an article which cited … [Read more...]
There’s Something About Jerusalem
Yes, there's something about Jerusalem. Why all this sudden interest in an ancient city, situated in a tiny nation? Any mention of Jerusalem is bound to elicit a range of passionate responses. I'm not necessarily speaking of the Palestinians and Jews either. Why is this so? BTW, when I say "Jews" I mean Israel. The … [Read more...]
Welcome to a New Gospel
Welcome to a new gospel - welcome to the Social Justice gospel! It's difficult for someone like me to find new ways of expressing what I've stated many times before. Despite lack of qualification, something as important as the nature of the gospel needs to be continuously defended because it is being constantly … [Read more...]
Training for The Tribulation
Hello! How is your training for The Tribulation going? I know, I know! - This is an old theme which I've addressed before. Why continue to bring it up? Well I keep seeing the same stuff over and over, and over again. Non-pretribulationists seem obsessed with the supposed unpreparedness of … [Read more...]
A Jerusalem Disconnect
A Jerusalem disconnect: Thoughts on Gaza and the 2018 Christ at the Center Conference. There is a Jerusalem disconnect. It has infiltrated churches, media, secular organizations and individuals. It isn't just the city which is affected by this disconnect. Under the same umbrella is the Jew, Israel, Zionism and … [Read more...]
On Jesus Christ and Romney’s Complaint
Mormon Mitt Romney recently vented uncharacteristic frustration on Twitter. The object of his irritation was Pastor of Dallas First Baptist Church Robert Jeffress. The occasion was Pastor Jeffress' delivery of the blessing at the opening of the United States Embassy in Jerusalem. According to Politico: “Robert … [Read more...]
Criticism of Dispensationalism Before Darby
There has been some criticism of Dispensationalism Before Darby. William Watson's book "Dispensationalism Before Darby" certainly ruffled a lot of feathers. The Pseudo-Ephraim document caused a similar stir years ago. Pretrib skeptics at the time tried to debunk either the authenticity of PE and/or its "interpretation, … [Read more...]
The Offensive Gospel
The offensive gospel - many people today believe the gospel is offensive. The thought that Christ had to die on the cross for our sins is repelling to people. It's not uncommon to see statements like: "A loving God doesn't beat up or kill His Son." These sentiments aren't new. You can find examples throughout … [Read more...]
Tribulation is Coming
Tribulation is coming. As far as the church is concerned it has always been present to varying degrees throughout history. God has never exempted Christians from tribulation, persecution or martyrdom. In fact we Christians ought to expect it. If any pastor tells you that you should or can be living your best life … [Read more...]