Does Matthew 24:31 refer to the rapture or Israel’s gathering? Non-pretribulationists insist that it’s the rapture of the church. A typical posttribulationist apologetic will begin with Matt 24:29 (But immediately after the tribulation of those days) and then point to v31. And he will send out his angels with a loud … [Read more...]
Can we trust God’s promises?
Can we trust God’s promises? Throughout the Old Testament, God made strong statements and specific promises to national Israel; a nation which was more often than not disobedient. Isaiah 60 God made specific declarations about Israel in the entirety of Isaiah chapter 60. Here is how it finishes: Your people … [Read more...]
Michael Svigel and the Fathers
Michael Svigel and the Fathers: The purpose of this post is to introduce Svigel’s book and his articles on the Early Church Fathers. The full title of the book is: Fathers on the Future: A 2nd-Century Eschatology for the 21st-Century Church. You can watch Dr. Svigel being interviewed by Peter Goeman HERE The main … [Read more...]
Try harder to be called Antisemitic
You must try harder to be called antisemitic. At least that’s what a popular pastor has asserted, among other things. Joel Webbon, who regularly posts on a social media platform, claims that if Christians aren’t being called Nazis, antisemites, racists, misogynists and bigots, they are not trying hard enough. To be … [Read more...]
The Term Replacement Theology
Is it correct to use the term Replacement Theology? Some prefer to say Supercessionism (allegedly a softer term). Covenant Theology proponents now reject both. I’ve recently watched several social media interactions on this subject. There are differing opinions which claim Replacement Theology and Supercessionism … [Read more...]
Praying for Israel AND the Nations
Praying for Israel AND the Nations: do we solely pray for Israel to the exclusion of our nation or other nations? A popular author within the Christian Nationalism movement chided people on social media for praying for Israel rather than America. The context of the comment involves the increasing tensions regarding … [Read more...]
Learning About Evangelical Zionism
Learning about Evangelical Zionism: In this day and age the word "Zionism" too often has sinister connotations. Thanks to the activism and disinformation of a number of popular Christians and organizations, Zionism has come to be associated with occupation, oppression and human rights violations. Yet aside from these … [Read more...]
Psalm 85 and Restoration
Psalm 85 and restoration and revival: a social media post by a Reformed Presbyterian pastor cited Psalm 85:6 as a prayer for revival. While this is technically true, he intended the verse for Christian revival. It can certainly be applied to us as an example of prayer for revival. But the entire context of the Psalm is … [Read more...]
The Beast that is Anti-Semitism
Racism can be like an incurable spreading cancer. It will eventually kill the body it invades. It's a Beast which has consumed White Supremacists, Neo Nazis and other groups. But racism doesn't always wear white hoods and cloaks. Its tentacles reach a much broader base. Before I go on, I should acknowledge that some … [Read more...]
Israel Forsaken: Eschatology in the Psalms
Israel Forsaken: Eschatology in the Psalms - I'm going to do something whacky (which isn't foreign to me). I'm recommending two books I actually haven't quite read yet. It isn't the first time I've done this. For another instance, see my review of William Gurnall's The Christian in Complete Armour. Book One The … [Read more...]