Is God finished with Israel? Should we view the OT promises to Israel as being fulfilled in the church? If there's one thing that's guaranteed to get me more fired up than those who apply the word "escapism" to pretribulationism, it is those who deny national Israel has a future in God's plan in the face of all the … [Read more...]
ISIS Mimics Israel
Apparently ISIS mimics Israel. Interestingly, over the past weeks I've seen Christianity being compared to ISIS. They say this is the case because ISIS imposes laws on those it subjugates. American Christians wish to impose their laws on the rest of the nation, hence the comparison. Now you know. I guess it's … [Read more...]
The Jews, Canary in the Coal Mine
The Jews, canary in the coal mine. Note: In the past, canaries were often used by miners as an early warning system of the presence of toxic gases. See HERE I've been writing on this topic for a number of years now and can confirm that the following points made by the writer of the Gatestone Institute column (see … [Read more...]
Responding to Christian Critics of Israel
What do you say to Christian critics of Israel? How do you respond to Christian leaders or people who you would normally respect - insofar as proclaiming the gospel is concerned - yet habitually single out Israel for unfair criticism? I confess to frustration at the myths and inferences which these consistently churn … [Read more...]
Is Christian Zionism a Heresy?
Is Christian Zionism a heresy? Some people think it is. What is the truth? After seeing that the preterist folk had visited a blog article I once wrote, I followed them back to their website and noted that they'd linked one of my posts. It wasn't that which attracted my attention - it was a link to another article … [Read more...]
Peaceful Meddling With Israel
Did he or didn't he say it? There's been a media kerfuffle about what Pope Francis did or didn't say about Mahmoud Abbas. Did the pope really call him an angel of peace or did he admonish him to be the angel of peace? Or was it both? Some now insist it was the latter. One irony is that earlier, alleged … [Read more...]
The Future of Evangelical Support for Israel
Mark Tooley recently commented on the future of evangelical support for Israel. You can read his article HERE He notes that, in the past, American Evangelicals have mainly sympathized with Israel. But that is slowly changing. People like Wheaton College Professor Gary Burge leads hundreds of young evangelicals to … [Read more...]
Holocaust Remembrance Day
Why is this Thursday, April 16, marked as Holocaust Remembrance Day in the United States and elsewhere? The internationally recognized date for Holocaust Remembrance Day corresponds to the 27th day of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar. It marks the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. In Hebrew, Holocaust … [Read more...]
With God On Our Side?
With God On Our Side is a documentary which claims to challenge Christian Zionism. According to the official website: With God On Our Side takes a look at the theology of Christian Zionism, which teaches that because the Jews are God’s chosen people, they have a divine right to the land of Israel. Aspects of this … [Read more...]
Wohlberg – Exploding the Israel Deception?
This article responds to the book Exploding the Israel Deception written by Steve Wohlberg. In a previous article we looked at Wohlberg's book End Time Delusions and noted he was a Seventh-day Adventist. This was an important observation because the Adventist movement arose in the 19th century through an interest in … [Read more...]