Why Does the World hate the Jews? Anti-Semitism has existed since Israel became a nation. It is insidious and ingrained in history. Over the years I've written articles pointing it out in various institutions and individuals, and even countries. One of my biggest frustrations with the church is its adoption of … [Read more...]
The Messiah and Future Israel
The Messiah and Future Israel: Below are the concluding thoughts from Larry Pettegrew's chapter (The Messiah's Lecture on the Future of Israel) of Forsaking Israel. I recommend the book, and especially the first chapter: The Curious Case of the Church Fathers and Israel. The Conclusion The … [Read more...]
Finding Joy in the Wrong Trials
Finding joy in the wrong trials: The Apostle James writes that Christians ought to consider it all joy when they encounter various trials (James 1:2). But, what if they're the wrong trials? Stephen Sizer's trial Former Anglican Vicar Stephen Sizer was recently found guilty of "conduct unbecoming and anti-Semitic … [Read more...]
Reforming Our View of Israel
Reforming our view of Israel—it's high time that Christians, who love God's Word, should let it speak over creeds and catechisms. Some background A few years ago I was invited to contribute to the Omega Letter (OL) run by Jack Kinsella. My brief was Israel, and it was posted on a weekly basis. However, in time, … [Read more...]
The Real Problem with Israel
The Real Problem with Israel is that it needs to acknowledge its Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And one day it will. There will come a time when God will bring all nations against it, and then He will go and fight against the nations. I recently watched a video between a former Marxist (agnostic) and an American … [Read more...]
What is Dispensationalism really?
Over the years I've benefited from reading Covenant Theologians. Still do. The ones I tend to read take much of their material from the older saints and the Puritans. When it comes to Christ, the Trinity, the Five Solas etc, these people have nourished me. I am indebted to them Mathison on Dispensationalism But … [Read more...]
What Lies Beneath the Hatred of Israel
What Lies Beneath the Hatred of Israel? Melanie Phillips wrote a column asking, "What lies beneath the progressives' favorite cause [Israel]?" Prior to that article, Phillips noted that best-selling Irish novelist Sally Rooney refused to have her book. As it turns out, Ireland is one of the most anti-Israel countries … [Read more...]
Friends of Israel Dangers Replacement Theology
From the Friends of Israel: Dangers of Replacement Theology. Here are three important articles from FOI's Paul Scharf discussing the dangers of replacing Israel with the church. Anti-Semitism has always existed to varying degrees. Tragically, the church's attitude has sometimes contributed to it, indirectly and … [Read more...]
Will the Great Tribulation be shortened?
Will the Great Tribulation be shortened? - Unless those days were shortened no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened (Matt 24:22). Those days of tribulation The expression "those days" is taken to be the period following the Abomination of Desolation. From a Futuristic premil … [Read more...]
Modern Israel as Proof of God’s Existence
Is it possible to use modern Israel as proof of God's existence? Recently a friend posed me that interesting question. As he noted, most Christian apologists currently debating atheists tend to be amillennial (and postmillennial). Therefore it wouldn't be natural for them to use events such as Israel's restoration in … [Read more...]