We've seen earthquakes rumble through the region. But there have been other quakes to be concerned about. There was a massive earthquake in the Middle East the weekend prior to the writing of this article. It struck near the northeastern Iraqi city of Halabjah and measured 7.3 on the Richter scale. As of writing, … [Read more...]
Send those Refugees Back Home
Send them back to the lands they came from. They're better off there. I can already hear the righteous cries of indignation from Social Justice Warriors. Any public decree to send refugees back to the land of their origins is bound to set Twitter Land on fire for weeks. We'd hear long platitudes about love and … [Read more...]
On Christian Jihad and Peace Making
When we hear the word "jihad" I bet most of us are on the same page. We conjure up images of terrorists with guns, or someone with a bomb strapped around their torso, or even someone flying a plane into a building. These images of jihad are predominant in our minds because experience can be a powerful teacher. The … [Read more...]
An Ongoing Temple Mount War
The recent violence in Jerusalem isn't new. It has had a long bloody history. We've come a long way since the attack on the Twin Towers. 9-11 was an event which triggered my interest in biblical prophecy. No doubt it did the same for many others. The world sought to understand the motivation of the perpetrators. … [Read more...]
An Unlovable Israeli State
Should we love the "oppressive" Israeli State? It should be a no-brainer, right? Go to Genesis 12:3, 27:29; Num 24:9; and Rom 15:27. If in doubt hop over to the "Christianly" New Testament Matt 5:44 verse about loving your enemies. Yes, even the really nasty ones. Then do a quick scan back up to Matt 5:9. You know; … [Read more...]
Christocentric Hermeneutics & Old Testament Reinterpretation
Can Old Testament verses speaking of Israel be legitimately reinterpreted by the New? Can we trust what we plainly read in the Old Testament or do we need some kind of decoder ring? One frustration I continuously come across is the Covenant Theologian's claim that the Old Testament is reinterpreted by the New. I see … [Read more...]
That Christian Zionist Agenda
I'm writing about that Christian Zionist agenda once again. These people never stop and they should be countered. We peace makers have lots of work to do! Yes, I'm in sarcasm mode. I was mulling over what to write for this week's column over my first cup of coffee. Gender and fundamentalist abuse issues came to … [Read more...]
Should We Apologize for Israel and Balfour?
There has always been the sentiment among some groups that the Balfour Declaration has led to victimization of the Palestinian people. They say it was a mistake, and that we should attempt to make amends. Christian scholars such as Stephen Sizer, Colin Chapman, Gary Burge and others have been spinning this yarn for … [Read more...]
Putin – New Boss on the Block
Putin - New Boss on the Block? I suspect he thinks he is. In a previous column I mentioned the interaction between Putin and Netanyahu. Putin informed the Israeli Prime Minister that this wasn't 500 BC. In other words - despite its rhetoric - Iran wasn't planning another Jewish genocide. Putin was brazenly … [Read more...]
Return of the Peacemakers
Putin recently informed Netanyahu that we were no longer living in the 5th century BC. I'm not sure what the Israeli Prime Minister thought of that remark but I'm betting he didn't jump on the phone to announce the good news to Mossad. As Brian Shrauger reports, the context of the conversation occurred three days … [Read more...]