Israel - don't go there. When it comes to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, nearly everyone will have an opinion and solution. Is it wise to interfere in Israel's political affairs? Zech 12:3 and Zech 14:3 should echo strongly in everyone's ears. I recall having a vigorous conversation with someone regarding the … [Read more...]
Shoah – No Excuse for Evil
Shoah - No Excuse for Evil. I'm ashamed to admit that I had been living in my current house for some years before visiting the local Jewish Museum. Worse, I had driven past it hundreds of times. It's kind of ironic given that the nature of my weekly Omega Letter brief is Israel. The museum's official name is: Maltz … [Read more...]
The Coming Prophetic Kingdom
The Coming Prophetic Kingdom - why do we pray: Thy kingdom come? Isn't the kingdom already here as some teach? Those who know me know how much I love books. When we moved into our current house there was a study with plenty of book shelf space. That space has been quickly filling up. It doesn't help attending a … [Read more...]
Merry Christmas from Muhammad and Devotees
Have a Merry Christmas from Muhammad and Devotees. The Prophet Muhammad's legacy of terror has reached out from the past and wished many western Christians another merry Christmas. It's an upward trend. This was why Gatestone Institute was able to send out an accurate early warning to Europeans for 2016. So far, … [Read more...]
A Covenant Keeping God
We worship a covenant keeping God. Our salvation depends upon that fact. If God doesn't keep His word, we can't depend upon promises such as John 3:16. The question is: Has God yet to fulfill covenant promises to Israel? Covenant Theology attempts to unify the Old and New Testaments around the Covenant of redemption, … [Read more...]
Israel’s Biggest Trouble
What is Israel's biggest trouble today? Modern Israel's problems echo those found in Jewish history. This is because Israel is fundamentally Jewish (descendants of Jacob-Israel). For this reason, unjust criticism of Israel must be considered in light of Israel's Jewish ethnicity. As far back as the records show - … [Read more...]
New Progressive Covenantalism
What is this new Progressive Covenantalism all about? I've seen this question asked several times in forums. Stephen Wellum and Brent Parker give a brief outline of what PC is about in a B & H Academic article. PC aspires to be a mediating position between Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism. Interestingly, … [Read more...]
This infatuation with Israel
What is it about this infatuation with Israel we have? Everyone loves Israel. Sure they do! Not just Israel - the Jews as well. They love them to death. Forgive me; my sarcasm just spilled onto my keyboard. I hate it when that happens. An interesting thing happened the other day. I discovered something about a … [Read more...]
Death Terrorism & the Middle East
Death Terrorism & the Middle East, a Biblical Perspective. What is happening and how should we respond as Christians? I only came across this gem recently; unfortunately far too late to post it here as a lead-up commentary to 9-11-2016. However, the following message delivered by John MacArthur fifteen days … [Read more...]
New Turkey – New Friends
It appears that there's a New Turkey, and it has found New Friends to play with. Some time ago I received negative feedback on my musings about Vladimir Putin's motives. I was informed that Putin was a "flash in the pan." He was a wannabe Czar whose star would eventually fizzle out like a snuffed birthday … [Read more...]