What is the connection between Jerusalem and Islam? Once again that paragon of virtue, the United Nations, has moved to impose its will on the Jewish Temple Mount and Israel. Yes, I deliberately used the word "Jewish." Within the next few days UNESCO will be voting on a draft decision during its 40th annual meeting … [Read more...]
Everybody Loves Israel
Did you hear the fantastic news? Everybody loves Israel. The Jews are the darlings of the world. Benjamin Netanyahu has been nominated for the next Nobel Peace Prize. He informed the media press that he was embarrassed by all the attention. No, really! Oh...and did I tell you that I was a six-foot-five blonde … [Read more...]
Anti-Semitism: Nothing up my Sleeve
We've all known well-meaning people who routinely tell the same old jokes and stories. I have a friend who narrates the same funny stories and statements several times over in the same year. He always chuckles at the end as if it was a first-time telling. It's part of the reason why we laugh. We suffer this … [Read more...]
Palm Sunday and the Prophet Daniel
Are there any connections between Palm Sunday and the prophet Daniel? In an article for the Dispensational Publishing House, Paul J. Scharf shows us that there is one, and why. Specifically, it is a connection between Palm Sunday and Daniel's 69th Week. Scharf first sets the scene up by talking about Jesus' … [Read more...]
The Gathering of Israel
Is the gathering of the elect in Matthew 24:31 the rapture, as non-pretribulationists insist? Or is it the final gathering and salvation of national Israel? I've covered this subject before. Much of the following will be repetition but I think it's worth revisiting. A leading pretrib opponent recently rejected … [Read more...]
The Dangers of Premillennialism
The dangers of premillennialism and taking the Bible too literally. Is the so-called Left Behind dispensational theology dangerous? While browsing through a local second-hand book store recently, I came across yet another book attacking dispensationalism. It warned about the subtle dangers associated with … [Read more...]
The Church’s One State Solution
The Church's One State Solution? Read on... Don't let anyone kid you when they talk about the so-called Two State solution to one of the Middle East conflicts. Yes, once upon a time it used to be a singular conflict. Now it's plural - conflicts. As an aside, pay close attention to what has been occurring in … [Read more...]
Israel Politics and Dispensationalism
Yes, Israel Politics and Dispensationalism! Somehow politics always comes into this. There are two main areas which get people worked up regarding dispensationalism. One is the pretribulational rapture and the other is Israel. And they often go hand in hand. If you don't like the pretrib rapture you cite John Darby … [Read more...]
Another Christ at the Checkpoint Conference
Another Christ at the Checkpoint Conference is scheduled for this year (March 2016). This will be the fourth in a continuing series of CATC conferences sponsored by organizations such as Bethlehem Bible College. Previous conferences were held in 2010, 2012, and 2014. The theme of this year's conference is: "The Gospel … [Read more...]
Ignoring Palestinian Responsibility
In some ways, the persistent ignoring of Palestinian responsibility in the never-ending crisis with Israel exhibits cult-like characteristics. My reasoning is simple. Most of the individuals and organizations involved in writing about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and organizing protests and conference events … [Read more...]