In some ways, the persistent ignoring of Palestinian responsibility in the never-ending crisis with Israel exhibits cult-like characteristics. My reasoning is simple. Most of the individuals and organizations involved in writing about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and organizing protests and conference events … [Read more...]
No Country For Jews?
There is no country for Jews. "It's our land. You're just here for now." Many of us who have followed the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict closely over recent years have concluded that the real issue is the existence of Jews in what we commonly refer to as Palestine. It isn't just the Palestinian leaders which take this … [Read more...]
Israel under Fire
Those who keep a watchful eye on headlines coming out of the Middle East shouldn't really be surprised at the current attacks on Jewish citizens in Israel. The ingredients for this escalating violence have been cooking in the pot for a long time. However, much of the western world has remained blasé. When it does … [Read more...]
Has the church replaced Israel?
Has the church replaced Israel? It would be fair to say that Replacement Theology was the majority view held by the church over the centuries, and also today. As we've noted in previous discussions this view denies any future fulfillment of prophecy for national Israel. Proponents of RT (sometimes called Fulfillment … [Read more...]
Christians Who Hate Israel
The New Racists: Christians Who Hate Israel. Can Christians really hold to racist views? Absolutely! Christian or not, we can all harbor prejudices to varying degrees, whether it be directed against other nations or ethnicities. One example is Christians who either dislike or hate Israel. Anti-Israel sentiment … [Read more...]
Everything Is Under Control
Before I became a Market Analyst for the company I worked for, I was in Sales and Customer Service. Just prior to being taken over by a much larger competitor we operated like a small well-oiled machine. The company which took us over recognized these traits and offered my boss the privilege of being the Australian … [Read more...]
Flocking to the Islamic State
According to Gatestone Institute, Palestinians are flocking to the Islamic State... The fundamental problem in the Arab-Israeli conflict is that the Arab states don't want Israel's presence anywhere in the region. This was clearly demonstrated in 1948 when Israel reformed as a nation and the Arab states immediately … [Read more...]
On Birthdays and Iran
Rumor has it that when a group of 22 Jewish leaders gathered in the Cabinet Room on President Obama's birthday, he told them: "It's my birthday and I'm going to be blunt." At least one quote has it that Mr. Obama complained: "'s been a really busy day. You'd think they'd be nicer to me on my birthday but it's a … [Read more...]
Israel, Luke and Acts
Israel, Luke and Acts. Did the disciples misunderstand the meaning of the restoration of Israel in Acts 1:6-7? I once listened to an interesting radio discussion between Wheaton College's Gary Burge and Moody Bible Institute's Michael Rydelnik. Burge wanted to avoid any references to the Old Testament. The reason is … [Read more...]
Terrorism, Israel and the Palestinians
Terrorism, Israel and the Palestinians. We often hear about terrorism which comes from radical Islam. But terrorism isn't constrained to national or religious borders. It can be found across most cultures and religions. Take the recent case in Israel where Palestinian toddler Ali Dawabsha was the victim of a … [Read more...]