What are the Five Solas of the Reformation? How are they important? What was the Reformation? What does it mean to be "Reformed" anyway? What the Five Solas are, and their importance to Christians, are clearly and concisely articulated in the GotQuestions article below. A short introduction to the Reformation can be … [Read more...]
A Few Recommended Resources
Following are a few recommended resources: Every so often the content which appears on this website comes from external sources. This is a good thing. Zeteo 3:16 wasn't about disseminating our supposed wisdom to others. That would be a mistake! The main idea was to pass along solid Christian resources which we deem to … [Read more...]
Christ the King is Coming Again
Christ the King is coming again. Are we overjoyed by that thought? Are we even ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ? Pastor Alistair Begg posed these questions during a recent Christmas sermon. Pastor Begg noted that during Christmas many people are content to talk about "baby Jesus" and all that. Of course … [Read more...]
When Google Banned a Dissenting Article
When Google banned a dissenting article during "Pride Month: written by Pastor Dan Phillips, the article originally appeared in the Pyromaniacs blog. Almost as soon as it was posted, it was removed by Blogger. After about seven years without a post, I posted a copy of a letter I sent to the congregation I serve in … [Read more...]
A Prayer Suggestion from Charles Spurgeon
Here is a prayer suggestion from Charles Spurgeon. I don't offer any apology for bringing Spurgeon up once again. He's been a great help to me. In fact I find when I skimp on his devotionals I feel a backwards slide in my spiritual life. Spurgeon understood despair, despondency and backsliding, and knew its remedy … [Read more...]
The Value of Christ’s Imminent Return
The Value of Christ's imminent return has been recognized by many good men of the past. Yet others beg to differ, and sometimes quite strongly. One individual went so far as to deny that it is an incentive for holy living. He wrote that, Imminency resulting in action is just another assumption by the … [Read more...]
The Imminence of Death
Or perhaps better- the imminence of death as related to prophecy. The Imminence of Death - note that I didn't say The Death of Imminence - though some want to quash the latter. Death isn't a nice subject. Yet it's one which demands our attention. Barring the Lord's return for His church - in whatever context … [Read more...]
Israel In The Biblical Worldview
Israel In The Biblical Worldview: An Introduction. This is a review of Perry Trotter's new book covering the subjects of Israel and Zionism. At around 248 pages, it is independently published and comes in hardback, paperback and Kindle versions. Perry is a photographer, filmmaker, musician and Bible teacher. You can … [Read more...]
Why Should We Praise God?
Why Should We Praise God? According to Puritan George Swinnock - if God is incomparable we must praise Him for His incomparable excellencies. The Westminster Confession of Faith tells us that the chief end of man is to glorify God [a] and enjoy Him forever [b]. The texts cited are the following: [a]. Ps. 86:9; Isa. … [Read more...]
A Post Rapture Letter
Finding a post rapture letter from Aunt Helen filled Colin with mixed emotions. In it she revealed how sick she was. She'd always been so vibrant and energetic, and he hadn't noticed anything troubling in all his busyness. This is part two of a previous fictional post: "Why am I still here?" It turned out that … [Read more...]