Prewrath Rapture's Great Tribulation: the primary distinctive of the prewrath rapture view is that the Great Tribulation is cut short (only) for the church (Matt 24:22). During one exchange on social media, a PW advocate disagreed with John Walvoord's remark that Scripture isn't explicit regarding rapture timing—we … [Read more...]
Michael Reeves on Christianity’s Triune God
Dr. Michael Reeves has written and spoken much on Christianity's Triune God. The first time I ever read anything by Reeves was in the book High King of Heaven. He contributed the first chapter The Eternal Word: God the Son in Eternity Past. Though I didn't mention him in my review of that book, I really … [Read more...]
Who is watching us?
Who is watching us? We know our lives are being tracked on a daily basis. Everything we do is being monitored. Jump on social media and you'll get sent little packets of spy-ware (yes those helpful cookies) which take information from you. As a friend often notes, "You are the product." Once you interact with any … [Read more...]
Heavens Declare Glory of God
Heavens Declare Glory of God: The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands. Psalm 19:1 Can you fasten the chains of the Pleiades or loosen the belt of Orion? Can you bring out the constellations in their season and lead the Bear and her cubs? Do you know the laws of heaven? Can … [Read more...]
Where must we learn about God?
Where must we learn about God? Do we find Him while going about our daily affairs or from a particular group of people? How does God reveal Himself? Of course, my answer to all those questions is that God reveals Himself in the Bible. Scripture is sufficient. But some don't see it this way. Experiential … [Read more...]
How’s Your Spiritual Warfare Going?
As Christians we acknowledge the fact of spiritual warfare. We understand that this is the world we live in. Yet I wonder if we're always aware just how close and personal it is. We're often tired of running our races and we tend to lose our focus. However, the enemy never relaxes. He is always up close and … [Read more...]
Does God love you just as you are?
Does God love you just as you are? "God loves me as I am," is a fairly common sentiment nowadays. In what way is this true? First of all, I'm neither a theologian nor a teacher. So take care of anything I write. The issue has been addressed by gifted teachers and in God's Word. It seems to me that there may be two … [Read more...]
Spiritual Warfare Revisit
We've done a few articles about Spiritual Warfare. For various reasons I keep being drawn back to this subject. It seems like only yesterday since the last one. It's time for another revisit and I suspect there will be "revisits" down the track. An obvious reason I regularly talk about Spiritual Warfare is because … [Read more...]
What is Socinianism?
What is Socinianism and why does it matter to the Christian? In fact, why should it matter to anyone? Is it orthodox or a doctrine we should be wary of? I ran across the term Socinianism while reading John MacArthur's book, "Ashamed of the Gospel." Of course I'd heard it before but hadn't paid it any attention. … [Read more...]
God Will Finish His Work
Sometimes we despair of our sinful state, but God will finish His work in us. Puritan Richard Sibbes assure us of this in Glorious Freedom. The following thoughts are stolen from Refreshment for the Soul, compiled and edited by David B. MacKinnon. Longing for revival I remember attending Catholic school and going … [Read more...]