A call to praise the Lord for His righteousness - for He is coming to judge the earth and the peoples with equity! In worrying times of pandemics and violence, this Psalm is both prophetic and comforting... The King is coming! Psalm 98 Oh, sing to the LORD a new song! For He has done marvelous things; His … [Read more...]
What is Critical Theory?
What is Critical Theory? The following column is indebted to the article, Critical Theory and the Frankfurt School by Peter Goeman. You may have heard of the term Critical Race Theory (often CRT). It is inexorably connected to what is commonly referred to as Woke. I'm not an expert. But I'm assuming the exclusion of … [Read more...]
Problem with Pascal’s Famous Wager
Most who study Christian Apologetics have heard of Blaise Pascal; others note a problem with Pascal's Famous wager. The wager According to Got Questions, The gist of the Wager is that, according to Pascal, one cannot come to the knowledge of God’s existence through reason alone, so the wise thing to do is … [Read more...]
The End of Time
There's a little book in our church book store called "Time and the End of Time." The cover and the title have attracted my interest, and several times I've picked it up to take a look at it. It was written by John Fox in 1676 - not to be confused by the John Foxe of Foxe's The Book of Martyrs. Fox's book is … [Read more...]
Gems from a Puritan Conference
Gems from a Puritan Conference: The Puritans are important, especially in today's increasingly pagan world of self-love and exultation of sin. Recently, Grace Community Church hosted to 2022 Puritan conference. See video and links below. Personal note Before I became a Christian, I'd heard whisperings about the … [Read more...]
God Grace and Forgiveness
God Grace and Forgiveness: Genuine forgiveness is difficult. We tend to hold onto our grievances and nurture them. Yet God compels us to forgive. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Matt 6:9-12 And whenever you stand praying, … [Read more...]
Where Must Faith Always Look
Where Must Faith Always Look? I'm sure we all know that the answer is Christ - at least we ought to! I know, but I'm afraid I don't always live it. I need constant reminders. So this isn't me sermonizing (I'm unqualified); it's a confession of my failing, and a passing on of a message from someone else... That … [Read more...]
Should Imminence be Second Tier
Should the doctrine of imminence be second tier in a pretrib Statement of Faith? I occasionally come across contra-pretrib articles which make me blink for their sheer lack of self-awareness and audacity. One writer claims there are no explicit imminence statements in Scripture (actually he has a small window … [Read more...]
The Excellencies of God Podcast
The Excellencies of God Podcast is a compilation of sermons by Terry L. Johnson that form the backdrop for his book, "The Excellencies of God: Exploring and Enjoying His Attributes," published by Reformation Heritage Books. You can access the sermons on Spotify HERE. Terry Johnson has also written the very … [Read more...]
As in the Days of Noah
For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, they were marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so shall the … [Read more...]