The global glorification of Islam. I'm not a Conspiracy Theorist. By nature I'm a skeptic. But I do like reading about them. Sometimes they're an entertaining diversion. Occasionally, however, the conspiracies are true. The global glorification of Islam isn't a conspiracy and it isn't entertaining. It's deadly … [Read more...]
God’s Wrath in the Sixth Seal
God's Wrath in the Sixth Seal? Proponents of the prewrath rapture system teach that God's wrath is still future at that time. "For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?" Rev 6:17 These words are spoken by unbelievers as a reaction to the cosmic signs and the great earthquake. … [Read more...]
A Rattling Christian Church
Why a Rattling Christian Church? A recent Gatestone Institute article by Giulio Meotti has dire warnings for German Christians. In fact the slow death of Christianity in Germany has far-reaching ramifications. The first two bullet points neatly sum up the situation: The fall of German Christianity leaves an … [Read more...]
Pray for Ministries to Muslims
Islam is not a religion of peace. It is an oppressive path to damnation. We in the West are noticing the growing hostility towards Christianity in our societies. There's a tidal wave cultural movement affirming LGBTQI rights. The movement seeks to stifle Christian biblical input everywhere. So much so that there … [Read more...]
Israel’s Biggest Trouble
What is Israel's biggest trouble today? Modern Israel's problems echo those found in Jewish history. This is because Israel is fundamentally Jewish (descendants of Jacob-Israel). For this reason, unjust criticism of Israel must be considered in light of Israel's Jewish ethnicity. As far back as the records show - … [Read more...]
New Progressive Covenantalism
What is this new Progressive Covenantalism all about? I've seen this question asked several times in forums. Stephen Wellum and Brent Parker give a brief outline of what PC is about in a B & H Academic article. PC aspires to be a mediating position between Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism. Interestingly, … [Read more...]
Untouchable Christians and House Cleaning
What do we mean by Untouchable Christians and House Cleaning? In many areas of the world Christians are often thought of as unclean and untouchable and only suitable for house cleaning. Here is a report from Gatestone Institute's Raymond Ibrahim. Please keep these things in mind as items for earnest prayer. This … [Read more...]
We’re Hunting Pretribbers
We're hunting pretribbers! Or as Elmer Fudd would say, "It's pwetwib season. We're hunting pwetwibbers - ha-ha-ha-ha!" It's always pwetwib season, Elmer. Yes, I know the odd pretribber likes to throw mud around. There are always a few. None of us should ever call people with different eschatological viewpoints, … [Read more...]
This infatuation with Israel
What is it about this infatuation with Israel we have? Everyone loves Israel. Sure they do! Not just Israel - the Jews as well. They love them to death. Forgive me; my sarcasm just spilled onto my keyboard. I hate it when that happens. An interesting thing happened the other day. I discovered something about a … [Read more...]
Death Terrorism & the Middle East
Death Terrorism & the Middle East, a Biblical Perspective. What is happening and how should we respond as Christians? I only came across this gem recently; unfortunately far too late to post it here as a lead-up commentary to 9-11-2016. However, the following message delivered by John MacArthur fifteen days … [Read more...]