The Church's One State Solution? Read on... Don't let anyone kid you when they talk about the so-called Two State solution to one of the Middle East conflicts. Yes, once upon a time it used to be a singular conflict. Now it's plural - conflicts. As an aside, pay close attention to what has been occurring in … [Read more...]
The BioLogos Serpent Narrative
The BioLogos Serpent Narrative. We've mentioned BioLogos in our previous article Sola Scriptura and Cosmic Temples. You can read their Mission Statement HERE: BioLogos invites the church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith as we present an evolutionary understanding of God’s … [Read more...]
The Pope The Patriarch and Putin
The Pope the Patriarch and Putin - what could they have in common? Historically there are understood to have been three major rifts in the church. The first one was in 1054 AD which involved Christianity splitting into two divisions: Eastern (Constantinople) and Western (Rome). It is referred to as "The Great … [Read more...]
The Reddit Wasteland
The Reddit Wasteland. Why do we use the term "Wasteland" to describe Reddit? Some will accuse us of being subjectively critical, prejudiced and harsh. That may be true in part. However, we feel some warning is in order for Christians (in particular) who are thinking about fellowshipping in Reddit Forums. What is … [Read more...]
Be Bold as the Disciples
Do you want to be bold as the disciples were? I mean the disciples after Pentecost, not the ones who cowered as Christ was led to the cross. How many of us have read Acts and wanted to emulate Peter, Stephen and Paul? I know I have. Following is a great and timely article by Jordan Standridge which appeared on The … [Read more...]
Israel Politics and Dispensationalism
Yes, Israel Politics and Dispensationalism! Somehow politics always comes into this. There are two main areas which get people worked up regarding dispensationalism. One is the pretribulational rapture and the other is Israel. And they often go hand in hand. If you don't like the pretrib rapture you cite John Darby … [Read more...]
Rapture Before John Darby
The rapture before John Darby? Say it isn't so! Some years ago Grant Jeffrey excitedly contacted Dr. Thomas Ice and announced that he'd found a pre-Darby pre-conflagration rapture statement. The document was from someone dubbed Pseudo-Ephraem. PE presumably believed in a pre three-and-a-half-year … [Read more...]
Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God
Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? This question has been asked a lot lately because of the suspension of Wheaton College Professor Larycia Hawkins who wore a hijab in support of her Muslim neighbors. She declared that: I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, … [Read more...]
The Wakening of another Beast
Could the world be witnessing the beginning of the wakening of another beast? In case you haven't heard, Adolf Hitler's biographical book Mein Kampf has recently made a come back in Germany. Mein Kampf means My Struggle. Hitler began dictating it to Rudolf Hess while in prison in 1923-24 and finished it soon after … [Read more...]
The Doctrine of the Trinity
The doctrine of the Trinity is consistently attacked by atheists, Muslims, Orthodox Jews and pseudo-Christian cults etc. Atheists claim the concept of three distinct Persons in One God is illogical and incoherent, and therefore jump at the opportunity to attack the doctrine as just another point against Christianity. … [Read more...]