Underneath the everlasting arms of God...The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms; He will thrust out the enemy from before you Deut 33:27 Charles Spurgeon selected part of Deut 33:27 as the subject of his November 11 devotional. Of course the subject of the entire chapter is Israel. … [Read more...]
A Pilgrim’s Regress
A Pilgrim's Regress! - My apologies to John Bunyan's classic, The Pilgrim's Progress, and to C. S Lewis' The Pilgrim's Regress as well. Many years ago I liked the word "progressive." For me it suggested leaving outdated and useless thinking behind. Only the staid narrow-minded folk didn't want to progress. I wanted to … [Read more...]
Andy Woods on the Pre-Wrath Rapture
Andy Woods on the Pre-Wrath Rapture: the following critique of prewrath was presented at the 2023 Pretrib Conference. You can watch the video at This Link (and below) and read the accompanying notes etc HERE. Some Observations Dr. Woods has spent time to research and understand the prewrath rapture position. This … [Read more...]
What is Truth?
“What is Truth?” Pilate asked Jesus. Indeed, what is truth? Nowadays, my truth and your truth might be different. How confusing! I’ve mentioned the following account before. It’s worth repeating. Years ago I had an interesting exchange with a corporate work colleague. It took place in a bookstore close to our … [Read more...]
The Preeminent Christ
The Preeminent Christ by Paul Washer: a book review. It is published by Reformation Heritage Books (Hardcover, 112 pages). In the past I’ve used the term Desert Island Book. By this I meant that, if I had to spend a year (or so) on a desert island, other then the Bible I would pack a particular book in question. The … [Read more...]
Praying For Pastors
Some time ago I watched a Q & A session between pastors. One question centered on leaving a particular church over doctrinal error. I thought the advice was very good. Yet I was surprised no one suggested praying for their pastors. I'm sure they thought it was a given. Praying for pastors and churches ought to … [Read more...]
The Danger of Bitterness
We all experience bitterness once in a while, but the danger of bitterness is that it can become ingrained in a person. It can, and will, adversely affect one’s relationship to others. Trust me, I know. Years ago I went through a brief period of bitterness which fostered resentment, and finally a deep-rooted anger. … [Read more...]
God’s Promises to Israel
Were God’s promises to Israel too wonderful to comprehend in plain language? Some think so—hence, God allegedly revealed them using earthly categories. Why would someone conclude this? One example I have unabashedly pinched the following example from a Daily Devotional (which I happen to recommend, BTW). The … [Read more...]
Can the Lord return this year?
Can the Lord return this year? I love believing that He might. But not everyone sees it the same way. In fact some stridently oppose the idea. Yeas ago, I joined an online premillennial, pretribulational rapture group. At the time I leaned towards the posttribulational view. I was there mainly for the fellowship. … [Read more...]
A Blessed Christ-Centered Christmas
I can't recall having written a column about Christmas before. So I'm feeling somewhat jittery. During this time, people tend to get into heated arguments and debates about Christmas. Regardless of anything I say there will be someone somewhere who disagrees. Be kind. It's Advent. This is the season for those … [Read more...]