Dr. Michael Reeves has written and spoken much on Christianity's Triune God. The first time I ever read anything by Reeves was in the book High King of Heaven. He contributed the first chapter The Eternal Word: God the Son in Eternity Past. Though I didn't mention him in my review of that book, I really … [Read more...]
Defending the Holy Trinity
Defending the Holy Trinity - the doctrine of the Trinity is neglected by Christians. We may defend our eschatology with a degree of confidence; the Trinity not so much. What sometimes complicates matter is that there are organizations which claim to be Christian, yet deny the doctrine of the Trinity, and the person … [Read more...]
Calvinism and the Antichrist
What's the connection between Calvinism and the Antichrist? Specifically, Calvinism teaches that Christians cannot lose their salvation. Yet we often hear of the danger of apostasy if one isn't prepared for the "Antichrist's Great Tribulation." I've written on this before. This is a re-visit of the issue. The … [Read more...]
Praying with A C T S
Alf recently wrote the article How's Your Spiritual Warfare Going? In the article he references Chip Ingram's book The Invisible War and encouraged me to read it - I'm so glad I did! Since we started this website/ministry we've both being going through a roller coaster of emotions and, at times, it has been very … [Read more...]
The Excellencies of God Podcast
The Excellencies of God Podcast is a compilation of sermons by Terry L. Johnson that form the backdrop for his book, "The Excellencies of God: Exploring and Enjoying His Attributes," published by Reformation Heritage Books. You can access the sermons on Spotify HERE. Terry Johnson has also written the very … [Read more...]
Faith vs Works
Are we saved by faith or by works? Or is it a combination of the two? Do you start by placing your faith in Jesus and then have to produce works to be saved? In Rom 3:28, Paul tells us that we are justified by faith quite apart from the works of the law. Yet James states that we are justified by works and not by … [Read more...]
Drifting to a Shipwreck
Drifting to a Shipwreck—or I could have simply titled this post: Beware of so-called Christian agnostics and progressive Christians! Drifting from Christ In his Commentary on Hebrews, R. Kent Hughes notes that one of the ancient symbols for the Church is a ship. He says the idea originated from the gospel … [Read more...]
Trinitarian Praise and Worship
Below are a few older hymns of Trinitarian praise and worship. These have been selected from Spurgeon's Own Hymn Book. Our salvation and access to God's throne is a work of the Triune God. We ought to keep in mind the Trinity in both our worship and prayer. The following article from 9Marks is helpful regarding the … [Read more...]
Acknowledging Our Need of Christ
Acknowledging our need of Christ is requisite to a true coming to Christ. And what is it that an unbeliever needs? Isn't it a rescue from God's wrath against sin? This truth is vividly brought out in Geoffrey Thomas' little book Everyone's Invited. Thomas notes that God (who is omniscient) knows everything … [Read more...]
I Believe in Christ So what?
I Believe in Christ. So what? Would a comment like that coming up in a conversation startle you? How would you respond? So what! In two of his books, "The Battle Belongs to the Lord" and "Covenantal Apologetics," K. Scott Oliphint recalls an incident involving discussing the gospel with someone. The man affirmed … [Read more...]