Richard Baxter on God's Love for the saints: Baxter (1615 - 1691) is well known for his monumental work "The Saints' Everlasting Rest." This work was a product of the turmoil the Puritan experienced throughout his life. There was civil war and disease. Some 868,000 people died through battle and disease over three … [Read more...]
The Shepherd of Psalm 23
Who is the Shepherd of Psalm 23? He is none other than our LORD Jesus Christ. He is also the King of glory of Psalm 24. Who is this King of glory? — The LORD strong and mighty; the LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this … [Read more...]
Prayer and the Saint’s Spiritual Condition
Prayer and the Saint's Spiritual Condition - According to J. C. Ryle, private diligent prayer is a gauge which will affect the Christian one way or another. The following snippets and thoughts aren't mine; they are taken from Ryle's little book A Call to Prayer. You can download an eBook copy from Monergism … [Read more...]
They’ll Walk in White
In your goodness, O God, you have provided for the needy. Psalms 68:10 All God's gifts are prepared gifts laid away to meet wants He has foreseen. He anticipates our needs; and out of the fullness that He has treasured up in Christ Jesus, He provides from His goodness for the poor. You may trust Him for all the … [Read more...]
Happy Thanksgiving 2024
Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate! Regardless of life’s circumstances, we have much to be thankful for. Alf and I thank God for our family and friends, for His provision, protection, for the Blessed Hope and for His faithfulness. We thank Him for the ways He has drawn us closer to each other and to … [Read more...]
When Elijah Wanted to Die
There was a time when Elijah wanted to die. God had answered his prayer and defeated the prophets of Baal right in front of him (see 1 Kings 18). The surprising thing is that his reaction to Jezebel's threat was to run. In a way, that is comforting to me. Even the BIG saints have their off days after all. And Ahab … [Read more...]
Highs and Lows: the Christian Life
The Christian life is a constant stream of highs and lows. Sometimes we soar high in the mountains, but more often we find ourselves languishing in deep valleys. At least I do. All the following observations are, once again, fully indebted to Ian Hamilton's book "The Gospel-Shaped Life." In a previous chapter, … [Read more...]
When the Wicked Seem to Flourish: Psalm 73
When the wicked seem to flourish: Psalm 73. More and more we see wickedness around us and we might wonder about God's sovereignty and justice. At such times, read Psalm 73. Who have I in heaven but you? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides you! This verse has been a favorite. But its context never … [Read more...]
Three Hymns on Christ’s Second Advent
Three Hymns on Christ's Second Advent - The following three hymns on Christ's Second Advent are chosen from Charles Spurgeon's Own Hymn Book. I've come to appreciate the old hymns. I hope some readers will do as well. Since Christ ascended to heaven there has been a hope and yearning for His return. The disciples … [Read more...]
Faithful Even Unto Death
Faithful unto death: the following is taken from Spurgeon’s poem “Be Faithful unto death.” See Christ Our All. Be Faithful Even Unto Death Strange sounds amid a world of caresNow fall upon my ear;That calls me on through toils and snaresAnd bids me not to fear Be faithful even unto death,A crown for thee is … [Read more...]