God's everlasting kindness - Psalm 136 is made up of twenty six verses. Each line reminds us that God's lovingkindness is everlasting. The popular ESV puts it this way: his steadfast love endures forever. Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the author of the Psalm drives home the clear message of God's … [Read more...]
Psalm 13 – How Long, O Lord?
Have you ever cried David's words from Psalm 13 - How long, O Lord? Does God ever seem distant, as if He's not listening to you? Often I feel that way! It might be health concerns, depression or financial worries. Depending on where you live in this world, it could even be oppression and persecution. Well we're … [Read more...]
A Prayer Suggestion from Charles Spurgeon
Here is a prayer suggestion from Charles Spurgeon. I don't offer any apology for bringing Spurgeon up once again. He's been a great help to me. In fact I find when I skimp on his devotionals I feel a backwards slide in my spiritual life. Spurgeon understood despair, despondency and backsliding, and knew its remedy … [Read more...]
Why Should We Praise God?
Why Should We Praise God? According to Puritan George Swinnock - if God is incomparable we must praise Him for His incomparable excellencies. The Westminster Confession of Faith tells us that the chief end of man is to glorify God [a] and enjoy Him forever [b]. The texts cited are the following: [a]. Ps. 86:9; Isa. … [Read more...]
Today’s Inspiration – S is for Shepherd
Today’s Inspiration – S is for Shepherd The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23:1 I have to confess, when I was an atheist and even a new Christian, this verse confused me. But then I realized that the speaker's not saying "The Lord is my shepherd, but I don't want him." Instead, he means that … [Read more...]
Eustace Becomes a Dragon
Eustace Clarence Scrubb was a character from C. S. Lewis' Narnian Chronicles. He was the Pevensie children's rotten little cousin - the sort of kid one doesn't like having around. He's introduced to us at the start of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader where we find him mercilessly taunting Lucy and Edmund Pevensie. Later … [Read more...]
The Tomb is Still Empty
May we all feel and display the exuberance these little ones show for our Lord Jesus! Have a Blessed Easter. The tomb is still empty! "Hey Levi, the Easter story is amazing." "Yeah, I especially love the ending." "Do you want to tell the story?" "Sure!" It goes like this: Jerusalem was a happening place. The … [Read more...]
Psalm 139
Every once in a while I'll hear a particular Bible verse or sets of verses repeated from different sources over one or two days. It is always meaningful to me; that is, the verse is a response to something I've been thinking about, or troubling me. I believe this is God's providence and I'm very thankful for His loving … [Read more...]
Praying with A C T S
Alf recently wrote the article How's Your Spiritual Warfare Going? In the article he references Chip Ingram's book The Invisible War and encouraged me to read it - I'm so glad I did! Since we started this website/ministry we've both being going through a roller coaster of emotions and, at times, it has been very … [Read more...]
The End of Time
There's a little book in our church book store called "Time and the End of Time." The cover and the title have attracted my interest, and several times I've picked it up to take a look at it. It was written by John Fox in 1676 - not to be confused by the John Foxe of Foxe's The Book of Martyrs. Fox's book is … [Read more...]