A door into Aslan's Country: In the beginning of C. S. Lewis' book The Silver Chair Eustace Scrubb and Jill Pole go through a door in a wall in order to escape bully-students who are out to get them. The door in the wall ends up being a door into Alan's Country. I'm particularly fond of that part of the book. We find … [Read more...]
Psalm 27 Fearless Trust in God
Psalm 27 is all about having a fearless trust in God. David knew all about fears. He was constantly beset by enemies. Yet he found refuge and peace in God. This is a lesson for us all, and one I'm trying to learn. In his book Rejoice and Tremble Michael Reeves cites Matthew 6:31-33 where Jesus tells his disciples … [Read more...]
On Praises and Songs to Our Holy Lord
On Praises and Songs to Our holy Lord: In heaven there is perpetual worshiping of God. The angels never cease their praises and songs. The praise songs we sing here and now are only a shadow of heavenly praise in eternity. This has been a recurring theme at Zeteo 3:16. We feel that we as Christians need to focus … [Read more...]
The Happiness of God and the Trinity
The happiness of God and the Trinity isn't something that is often discussed by Christians. How many of us think ever about a happy God? It is important to think about it. How often do we think of a wrathful God? Yet it is also true that love is a divine attribute of God. In fact this attribute of God has bearing on … [Read more...]
A Prayer for a New Heart and a Hymn
A Prayer for a new heart by Lewis Bayly - from the Puritan prayer book Piercing Heaven and a hymn by Harriet Auber: The Promised comforter. The hymn is taken from Spurgeon's Own Hymn Book. Create in Me a New Heart Create in me, O Christ, a new heart, and renew in me a right spirit. Then you will see how I will … [Read more...]
A Boundless Merciful God
I've been working through George Swinnock's book "The Blessed and Boundless God." In my first entry we talked about how God's center is everywhere, and that His circumference is nowhere. God is infinite. We cannot comprehend this awesome truth because we are finite beings. But, not only is God Boundless and Infinite, … [Read more...]
The Silver Chair and Prayer
The thought came to me the other day that there's something of a connection between C. S. Lewis' The Silver Chair and prayer. The following analogy may not be perfect or true of everybody, but it's mostly on point from my personal experiences. The Silver Chair was, chronologically, the second last book in Lewis' seven … [Read more...]
A Prayer for Revival – Philip Doddridge
One of the prayers in the book Piercing Heaven - Prayers of the Puritans is an epic prayer by Philip Doddridge - "A Prayer for Revival" (page 26). Some Christians may read Doddridge's long prayer and think he's just a stuffy, fussy Puritan who should chill out. In fact his self-reflecting attitude is a mark of the … [Read more...]
The Nature of Our Hope
What is the Nature of Our Hope? Is it not the redemption of our sick dying bodies and our wicked natures? And is not that hope found in Christ's accomplished work on our behalf? In Prayer and Spiritual Warfare (Saved in Hope), Charles Spurgeon wrote, Our hope of being completely delivered from sin in our spirits … [Read more...]